19~An Unfortunate Coincidence

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Over the course of the next few months, Harry, Ron, Claire, Hermione and I were waiting for Quirrell to give in to Snape about the Stone. I had figured it wouldn't be long, but nothing about any of the Professors had changed.

Hermione has started studying for exams, and homework was being piled up by the boatload. Malfoy had hung around, looking for opportunities to especially make fun of Harry and Ron, but nothing major happened for the longest time.

One warm, spring morning at around six o'clock, Claire and I walked down to the Common Room to go to the Great Hall for breakfast. It almost hadn't occurred to me that Hermione was away with Harry and Ron the entire day yesterday, and here she was, sleeping on the couch in front of a small fire. Harry and Ron were on the chairs across from her, sleeping their heads off.

"Hermione?" Claire spoke in a moderately loud voice, which woke her right up with a yelp, and a chain reaction of noise traveled around the room, and soon they were all awake.

"Why are you guys sleeping down here?" I asked everyone, specifically Hermione, because Harry and Ron were still in morning mode.

"We... got in trouble," Hermione slurred. "Didn't want to go back upstairs. Tired."

Claire gave Hermione a little shake, and she sat up. "Tell them, Ron," Hermione insisted.

"Well... *cough* Hagrid got himself a Dragon egg," Ron explained. "And then, after enough mooching, we got him to tell us about the traps guarding Fluffy. Each professor did their own kind of spell on the Stone... even Snape. So now Hagrid still thinks Snape is a good guy."

"Oh, just move on to the important part, Ron," Hermione urged, her voice tinted with sadness.

"Fine. We were going to send Norbert- the, uh, dragon- to my brother Charlie. See, he works with dragons. Well, McGonagall found us, of course."

"Way to go," Claire muttered.

"And we lost points," Harry said. "Lots of points."

Claire and I both stared at Harry, until I spoke up. "Exactly... how many points is 'lots and lots of points'?"

Harry avoided eye contact and said something under his breath.

"Sorry, what?" Claire asked.

"One hundred," Harry admitted.

"WHAT?" Claire screeched.

"-and fifty," Harry groaned.

"WHAT?" Claire hollered again, waking up half the castle.

"Plus detention," Harry whispered.

Claire was speechless- I guess she was rooting for Gryffindor to win the House Cup.

"Unbelievable," she finally spit out, then slumped back up the stairs to her room, and I supposed she had lost her appetite.


The next few days consisted of Harry, Ron and Hermione being shunned by practically all the Gryffindor students- I'm sure the other houses were jumping for joy in their newfound chance to win the house cup. Harry made the slight discovery that Quirrell has cracked, and that Snape had the information about the Stone, but for the next few days after that nothing seemed out of sort at all.

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