8-Flying with Snakes

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Soon, it was 2:30, and I had Defence Against the Dark Arts with the Slytherins. After that, I had Flying. With the Slytherins. I had generated a strong distaste for Thursdays, next to the special area in my heart that held my hatred for Malfoy.

After we were all seated in the classroom (which had a disgusting stench that resembled garlic), Professor Quirrel seated himself at his desk. He positioned the bulging turban against his head and began to speak.

"Good afternoon, Gryffindors and Slytherins. I am your teacher, Professor Quirrel, and you will be learning many strategies in this class for defense against the dark arts."

We know, I thought, but didn't say anything.

"Now, you will not be needing your wands or books today, as today's class will allow us to get to know each other more."

Disappointed, I put my textbook back in my small bag and my wand on the side of the desk. The rest of the class was a blur. So far, the only way I knew how to defend myself against some dark wizard was to ask him an icebreaker and make my surroundings smell like garlic.

Soon, it was 3:30, and I got out of my desk, grabbed my bag, and walks towards Hermione's desk.

"Some defense against the dark arts class that was," Hermione huffed. "I didn't learn a single thing, and I've studied half the summer for this, you know!"

I had to agree with her. We left the classroom, but I had a strange feeling that I was forgetting something.

I was trying to think when we bumped into my roomate in the hallway.

"Oh! Hello," she said, flipping her hair behind her neck. Wish I could do that. "Ready for flying class?"

Now, seeing as she was not Lavender, I decided I could stand to talk to her. "Totally," I said. "What's your name? I don't think we've been introduced yet."

"Well, my name is Claire Baywish, and I'm adopted and from Britain, originally. What about you?"

"I'm Harmony," I said, dropping my last name. "And I'm adopted, too. Well, kind of."

Claire looked at me in interest. "What a coincidence! How about you?" Claire asked Hermione.

I turned to Hermione, who was giving Claire a look of pure amazement. "Wasn't your hair blonde yesterday? Then pink? Show me how you changed it!"

Claire smiled. "Well, I'm afraid I can't tell you how you could try. I was born a metamorphagus, you see, so I can look however I want. Remember?" Claire played with her dark brown hair.

"Wait," I said. "You're... born with that ability?"

"Yes," Claire said. "Why?"

I smiled. "I can do it, too."

Hermione gaped at me. "You, too? Rare enough to have one metamorphagus!" she muttered the end of her sentence.

Claire grinned. "Jealous, Hermione?"

"No..." Hermione said wistfully. "Okay. Yes, actually. But that doesn't make you any better than me." Hermione then swung her arms a little as she walked, smiling smugly. Then, halfway to flying class, I remembered what I had forgotten.

"My wand!"

Immediately, I spun around and made my way back through the corridors to Quirrell's classroom. I dashed through hallways, which were now nearly empty, until I was almost there. Coincidentally (I think not), I ran into Draco Malfoy again.

Like, I literally ran into him.

I knew there was no time to waste or I would be late, so I went around him and his two cronies. "Better hurry if you want your wand before class!" Malfoy called.

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