16-Presents, Research, and some Running for my Life

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Soon it was Monday, and the holiday season had began. The halls were always empty, and at meals, there were only twenty or so students left staying for Christmas, and I couldn't help but wonder why.

The castle was plenty lonely in the holidays anyway. I could walk around anywhere in the castle, like the library, where I spent lots of my time. I had about 5 books signed out. It also didn't hurt to go back to the third floor corridor, and listen to the big mutant dog, Fluffy, through the door. I didn't use 'Alohomora' to open it, though. I almost passed out last time I saw that horrifying creature, so why try again?

By the morning Christmas rolled around, I had also been rolled out of bed.

I landed on the floor with a thump, and my eyes flashed open. Claire was kneeling above me, smiling. Her hair was red and green, because, why not?

"It shouldn't take you that much work to wake up," she said giddily.

I couldn't help but laugh, because normally I'm not a heavy sleeper. I guess I should be thankful that Claire didn't turn to pouring water over me.

I got up off the floor, and made my bed. When I was done, I closed my cherry red canopy curtains and slipped on my robe over my pyjamas after a quick brush through my hair. I reached into the bottom of my trunk and took out two knitted Gryffindor ties, a silver chain necklace with a tiny gold locket, and a tatted bookmark.

That was without Claire watching, of course.

I took the stairs two at a time behind Claire in excitement. We ended up in the Common Room, and this time Claire followed me up to the Boys' Dormitory (which, by the way, girls were allowed into.) where we took the first turn and knocked on Harry and Ron's door.

A sleepy Harry answered the door when I tackled him.

"Merry Christmas!" I yelled (which I could do because we were the only First Years on our floor).

Harry made a grunting noise so I decided I should get up and let him breath.

"Look what we've got!" Claire sang, holding gift bags in her hands. She placed one gently under the Christmas tree and threw the other three carelessly along with it.

"What are we waiting for?" Ron said. "Happy Christmas!" He reached under the Christmas tree and reached for a present- what he grabbed first was wrapped in a brown paper. "Maybe it's for you," Ron said to Harry.

Harry took the parcel from Ron and ripped it open. Inside was a roughly whittled instrument of sorts and a note also floated away from the wood. Harry caught it in the air, and read aloud, "To Harry, from Hagrid."

I wanted to mention that the note probably should've been placed on the outside of the gift, but I knew Hagrid meant well.

Next, I gave Harry and Ron the two ties I had knitted for them. Harry, who was in his robes already, put his on right away. Ron, on the other hand, was in his pyjamas, so he put it aside on his night table with a thank-you.

"This one says your name, Harry," Claire said, picking up a much smaller parcel with 'Hairy' scribbled across the top. "Oh... well, that's probably just a typo."

Harry raised his eyebrows with sarcasm and took his second gift from Claire. He opened it, and inside was a silver fifty-cent piece.

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