13-Quidditch-Part 1

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In the beginning of November, Hogwarts had its first snow. It looked magical (of course), and icicles soon hung with delicacy on my dorm window, that was next to my bed. It was rather large, with a semi circle on top of the actual window. Snow stuck to the wooden crosses in the glass.

That was the sight that I woke up to on Saturday. The first Saturday of November, and it was much colder than previous winters. I jumped out of bed, grabbed a clean pair of socks, a grey skirt, and a white blouse, then went to the bathroom to get changed.

I woke up at 5:35, so that Lavender wouldn't beat me to the bathroom. She usually sleeps in anyway.

I didn't need to shower, since I had one last night. I quickly combed my hair, and tinted it to be a light brown. I had become better at using my metamorphagus powers, which I thought was the coolest thing that had happened since coming to Hogwarts. Other than all the adventures I'd been on, in just two months.

I got changed, and walked out of the bathroom. I put on my tie, and then my robe. I positioned my blouse collar the same as always, high up on my neck, covering my strange scar-thingy.

Harry's first Quidditch game was today, against Slytherin. I wasn't too excited about going, but Ron and Harry convinced Hermione and I to go. The game was at 12 o'clock, so the day was ours until then. Harry was too busy practising, though, which was a strict rule that he said had come with the responsinbilities of his Nimbus 2000.

After breakfast, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville and I had been walking outside, in one of the courtyards. Harry had his nose in a library book, Quidditch Through the Ages, and Hermione had created some kind of everlasting flame in a lantern, which could have kept us warm within a 10 metre radius.

"Alright, Harry," I said. "You'd better win this match. I've got three Sickles on you."

Hermione looked at me with immediate disapproval. "You bet on Harry's Quidditch game?"

"With who?" Neville asked.

I smiled. "Claire," I said, facing Harry. "She doesn't think you have it in you."

Harry was about to say something when Ron said, "I bet you and Claire five Sickles that Harry pounds Slytherin."

"Pound?" I asked. This was Harry's first Quidditch game. I highly doubt that he could pound Slytherin.

We were soon interrupted by Professor Snape walking towards us slowly. It seemed like he was limping, almost.

"What have you got there, Potter?" Snape sneered at Harry.

I thought Snape was talking about Hermione's portable torch, but he had his eyes on Harry's Quidditch book.

"Just a library book, sir," Harry said, his voice wobbly.

"Library books are to be kept in the school," Snape scolded. "Five points from Gryffindor... and I'll take that." Professor Snape snatched Harry's book out of his hands and struggled to walk away normally.

Soon, it rolled around to be 11:30. Harry had gone to get his book back from Professor Snape, and we wouldn't see him again until the big Quidditch game.

"I don't get why Harry was freaking out," Ron said as we walked through the empty hallways. Everybody was either at the Quidditch pitch, or in their common rooms, not interested in sports.

"Gee, Ron," I said. "Harry only has to play his first game of Quidditch in front of half the school, and he only has to play a really good game to get his reputation, and he only has one house he has to not let down. I don't understand why Harry was freaking out, either."

Ron didn't say anything after that. Which was good, I suppose, because he was beginning to become quite annoying about Quidditch.

We finally reached the Quidditch pitch, and took our seats in the West Tower. It was kind of like a balcony, only 20 feet higher than usual. Once we saw a poorly populated bench, I sat in the middle of Ron and Hermione.

My attention was caught by Hagrid when he came stomping down the steps to sit with us. He plopped down next to Ron, and I was pretty sure he was only sitting with us for the front-row view, since I don't think anyone would purposely sit next to Ron in a Quidditch game.

Madam Hooch walked out onto the field, wearing black and white. She was the referee, I guessed, since all of the Quidditch players walked onto the field behind her.

"Mount your brooms, players," she hollered. All of the players went to their proper sides of the closed-in pitch, and hopped on their brooms. "Now," Madam Hooch called. "I want a nice, clean game, understand?"

All of the players nodded, but I knew that she was talking to the Slytherins, the heartless pure-bloods.

Madam Hooch blew her whistle, ran off the pitch, and the game began. I could see Harry, slowly rising up on his Nimbus 2000. He was too far away to see, but I could feel his nervousness without even looking.

Yep it's been a while lol. I know this is a short chapter but I figured that Ishould update. this part of the book is somewhat boring to me as I have never played Quidditch and can't relate to it. I'm also writing a NEW BOOK:) (I know I should stay on this one but I'm really excited about my new one!!)
so, I tried indenting this chapter, but wattpad was feeling kind and got rid of all of my spaces before the paragraphs. that's why my book may seem unedited/unattractive/unprofessional/uncool/unwordsthatstartwithun.

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