chapter 4

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Jermaine P.O.V

Fuck this bright ass light that's fucking glaring straight at my face. I tried to ignore it but damn it was interrupting my sleep. I opened my eyes and sat up on the bed. I realize that I'm in Daijshah's room. The time on the clock on the night stand next to me read 12:54pm. Damn I slept late. I stretch out my arms before getting off the bed, finding my shirt and putting it on. Just as I was putting on my pants the door opened and Daijshah walked in. She looked at me before grabbing her purse from the nightstand.

"I gotta go to work. Anthony's taking me. You can stay if you want. I'll be back at around 8".

I nod my head at her, she smiles before walking out the room. I sigh. I wonder if she still mad at me. And if so why. She can't really be mad that I slept with Hailey or her sister for that matter. Were not together or ever will be according to her, so who I fuck shouldn't matter to her.

I walked out of Dai's room and made my way down the steps. I could hear voices coming from the living room. I walked towards the voices to see Hailey and Jayanne sitting on one couch talking and Keera and her bitch-ass boyfriend sitting on another couch talking. I sighed as I walked in and sat next to Hailey. She smiled at me before turning back to Jayanne.

That took me by surprise. Usually after I give a girl that good dick they usually throw themselves at me every time they see me. Maybe she's not the clingy type and just wants to be friends again, Which is going to be hard because last night was probably the best I ever had. The one thing that shocked me was the fact that she wasn't a virgin. I always assumed that she was because of how shy she was around me. One thing for sure is that she wasn't shy last night.

She continues to forget my presence as she keeps talking to Jayanne. I look over at the other couch and see Keera staring at me while Dessan was texting on his phone. She was biting her lips in an obvious attempt to turn me on, but honestly it wasn't at least not anymore.

I rolled my eyes and looked away at the tv. Catfish was playing. I didn't really like this show but damn I didn't feel like grabbing the remote to turn it. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, it was a text from Keera.

Keera: So you actin like you don't want me know.

-1:12 pm

Jermaine: I told yo ass from the beginning that this shit was temporary. I just ain't feelin it no more. It was good while it lasted. ON TO THE NEXT.


I put my phone back in my pocket. Damn that message was kinda mean but shit, these hoes know that this shit is temporary. I tell them don't get too attached because they going to end up broken. I look over at Keera and see that she read my message. She looks hurt as if she's about to cry but she doesn't. Instead she stands up and walks out the room. Few seconds later we hear a door slam, which I'm assuming is the door to her room.

Dessan looks annoyed before he reluctantly stands up. He winks at Hailey, she smiles and he walks out the room and up the stairs.

The fuck was that about. I look over at Hailey and see her talking to Jayanne again. I need to talk to her.

"Hailey" I say. She turns around and smiles at me. " Can I talk to you for a moment" She nods her head as we stood up and walked over into the kitchen. We sat down on the stools against the counter and faced towards each other.

"So what, you trying to act like yesterday didn't just happen." I say gettin straight to the point.

She rolled her eyes at that. "No, I'm just not the one to throw myself at you. I got standards nigga. And plus it wasn't all that great".

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