chapter 5

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Daijshah's P.O.V

I was sitting in forever 21 stocking shelves waiting to go home, and it was only 3:37 I had about 4 and a half hours left. It was a slow day but I was still tired as hell.

I been thinking about Jermaine and Hailey a lot. The fact that they slept together just seemed off to me. I mean it was Hailey out of all people. The fact that they where at my house right now just wasn't sitting well either.I Just shook my head at the thought. As I was hanging up some dresses I heard someone speak behind me.

"Excuse me, Do you work here". I rolled my eyes and turned around to help the customer only to see that it was the one and only Issac from yesterday's party. His face lit up upon seeing my face. "Hey I didn't know you worked here".

"Yea I know, Its just something for a little extra money In my pocket. But what can I help you with".

"Well.....I'm looking for something for my little sister. Her birthday is tomorrow and I know that this is her favorite store".

"How old is she?"


"What type of stuff does she like to wear?"

"Uhh.... I don't really know. That's why I was hoping for a woman's input". He started to rub the back of his neck.

"Well follow me" I say. We walked over to a rack and I start to pick out some clothes and he managed to find something wrong with everything I picked out. Claiming it was too revealing, too grown up too slutty. I was just about done looking for something for his sister then an idea popped into my head.

"How about you just get your sister a gift card then she can pick out whatever she wants". We walked over to the checkout.

"You just want to get me out of here don't you". He said giving me the most heart-stopping smile I've ever seen.  I smile back at him.

"To be honest yea. You're working me harder than I've ever worked. I usually just half-ass everything and act like I'm working" I admitted.

He chuckled at that. And walked over to where the gift cards where."Well I do tend to wear girls out" He picked up a card and placed it on the counter still giving me that millions dollar look.

I bit my lip as I scanned the card, and he paid for it. He grabbed the small bag the card was placed into. "Thank you for your help. And I guess I'll see you around". I waved at him as he turned around. He took a step before turning back to me and walking back up to the counter."Actually I was wondering If after I give this gift to my sister we could hang out since I kinda don't have anything planned tomorrow. That's if you want to."

"Uh sure I'm not busy tomorrow, why not". I say smiling at him.

"It's not like a date or anything unless you want it to be. I mean we can just sit at home and watch tv cause I have Netflix or we-" I raise my hand up to his face cutting him off.

" It can be whatever we want it to be. Now give me your phone so I can put my number in it". He handed me his phone and I put my number in it before giving it back to him. He smiled and told me he would text me and walked out the store.

I started to smile at the fact that I had a date or whatever with Issac. He didn't seem as the guy to like black girls. And I never really thought about dating a white guy before. But I guess we all have to try new things.

My boss was in a good mood today so she decided to let me leave early, After I had complained to her saying I was 'sick'. I was sick all right, sick of working and needed a break. I caught the bus home because I didn't feel like bothering Anthony ,or Jermaine for that matter.

I made it home at around 4:40 relived that I didn't have to stay till 8. I noticed Anthony's car was gone, so he and Jermaine might've went home. And I noticed my mom's car an Dessan's car in the driveway. As soon as I walked through the door I could hear Keera yelling at Dessan accusing him of cheating. It sounded as if they were upstairs. I just rolled my eyes. Them arguing is a usual occurrence. I walk into the living room and see Jayanne and Hailey sitting on the couch talking and laughing like their the bestest of friends.

When Hailey sees me she immediately jumps up all excited. "Omg Dai, I need your help". she said to me.

"Help? Help with what?" I look at Jayanne to see if she knows but she doesn't give me any clues as to what.

"Jermaine is taking me on a date tonight and I need something to wear".

When she said that I had to stop and process exactly what she had said because I know she didn't just say Jermaine was taking her on a date. Jermaine wasn't that type of nigga. He was more of a 'No wine, No dine, Just pull yo panties to the side' type of guy. So we must not have been talking about the same guy.

"Jermaine asked you on a date?"

"Well he didn't ask I basically suggested it and he agreed, and he is getting me at 6 and its almost 5 now so I have to get ready".

I stared at her for a few seconds wondering if I should actually believe her. But I honestly found no reason not to."Uh sure I'll help just go into my room and I'll help you pick something out in a minute"

She smiled before going up the stairs to my room. Jayanne got up and walked over to me. She must've noticed the shock on my face cause she said " Shocked huh? Yea I was to but its happening".

"But how?" I said louder than how I meant to.

"Maybe he likes her or maybe it has something to do with the fact that she gave him head in the kitchen and your mom almost saw it. And she ain't no dummy she knows what happened".

What, this bitch gave him head in the kitchen. She is not how I thought she was. "Yea a dummy she is not. But I'll be up there in a minute I gotta do something real quick. And tell Keera and Dessan to shut the fuck up" She laughed and walked up the steps. I waited till I heard my door open and close before I pulled out my phone and called Jermaine. It rang 4 times before he answered it.

"Yea Dai" He said

"You're taking Hailey on a date?".

He paused for a few seconds before continuing. "Yea Dai why?"

"I was just wondering because you don't do dates"

"And" he stated as if he was bored with this conversation.

"And I was wondering what made Hailey so different from the other girls that she gets a date".

He sighed. "I don't know, maybe cuz I like her. She different you know. I'm not saying I wanna be with her or nothing I just want to take her out and have fun. Its not like I'm settling down with her".

"Oh" I say." Well okay"

"Is that all you wanted, cuz I kinda got to get ready and shit?"

"Oh yeah um 1 more thing. If your going to have a girl give you head in my house, do it where everybody else do there shit. In Keera's  room. Okay. I don't want my momma seeing that shit"

He let out a laugh as if I was playing. I rolled my eyes. "Alright bye Jermaine". I pressed end on the phone before he could even say anything back.

I put my phone away and walked up the stairs to help my friend look good to go on a date with my whorish bestfriend.  I can't handle this!


Pick of Issac To the side.


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