chapter 4

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"Y/n! Are you okay?" Sean and mark as asked as they ran over to you worried about what was going on.

"Phone! Are you okay!?" Felix asks the phone that had just previously fell to the ground. Picking up and turning it over, he let out a sigh of relief - revealing the phone uncracked.

"Guys look at my phone" you said.

Sean, Mark, Felix and Ryan looked at the phone and gasped.

Time skip to a little while after


Your P. O. V

Over the last week , Ryan and I has become the best best of friends  ever since vidcon.  Some fans said that we reminded them of Natsu and Lucy in Fairy tail . Anytime someone says that I always blush as they're my otp.

Felix never left my side after seeing the DM. No one knows but Felix is my brother, not by blood though as I'm adopted.It's nice to know that some people still care about me and my safety after my parents ....... never mind. He wanted to tell the police but when we did they didn't listen.

I unlocked my phone and scrolled through my twitter. Being bored,  I wanted to do a video. None came to mind so I decided to ask my (what you call your fans here).

'Hey guys! Have any suggestions for my next video?' I posted.

In seconds thousands of people answered. My eyes ,too slow to catch up,  could only make out one of them.

'IHateSeptiplier :@Thereal(F/N)  how about you and Ryan react to reading a (ryan x you ship name)  fanfic.'

No way am I doing that

'NagisaShiotafan : How about  the smoothie challenge?

HMMN.... interesting. I'll call over Ryan to see if he wants to do a collab with me.

Ring ring... ring ring... ring ri-
"Hello Ryan speaking."
"Hi Ryan it's me, I was wondering if we could do a collab since we live close by and all."
"Sure. I'll be over in 5."
"Sweet. See ya!"
"Yeah bye!"
*hangs up*

Now that that's sorted, I'm gonna go to my recording room and set up.

5 minutes later

3rd POV

Ryan knocked on the door to y/n's house- during mid-knock y/n opened the door, causing Ryan to knock on her forehead instead.

Ryan's POV

Did that really just happen? My face started to heat up as embarrassment washed over me. I looked at y/n as she started laughing.

"I can't believe you just did that" I managed to hear from the laughing mess in front of me.

When she finally calmed down , she took me into her house and to the recording room. It's big- waaaaay bigger than mine. She picked up her camera from her room and we went to the kitchen.I'm not usually perverted but damn look at those hips sway.

"What are we going to do?" I asked as we enter the kitchen.

"You'll see" y/n said .

She set up the camera to face the kitchen counter top as pressed record .

"Hey everyone it's n/n (nickname) and today I'm going to do a challenge video with one of my favourite youtubers and friends 8-bitRyan!" She said and did some jazz hands as I came into the camera view.

"Whats going on guys?" I asked.

"So y/n," I proceeded to say"what challenge are we doing?"

"We're doing the smoothie challenge " y/n said doing the rainbow sign thing.( you know when they put their arms over their heads and then make archs with their hands? Like that spongebob imagination meme)

"For those of you who don't know," I started" the smoothie challenge is when you get three good things and three bad things from the fridge."

" you then put them in the blender and blend them obviously " y/n continued " after, whoever finishes their smoothie first or doesn't spit it out wins!"

" However for us we have a spinner. One with the options of good things and one with the option of bad things"Y/n said.

"So let's start!" I said enthusiastically.

Y/n's POV
"I'll start with the bad and you'll start with the good." I said to Ryan

He span his spinner and I span mine.
"Yes I got 2tbs of Honey!" Ryan said.

"Lucky you. I got ...... eggs" I said ( from here on out I got lazy so speech is gonna change).

Ryan: 2 more spins
Me(you): back to the spinner of death
Ryan:10 strawberries ok but not the best
Me: onion,I guess the best thing on this spinner
Me: aww cmon! Ketchup, YAY!(note the sarcasm)
Ryan: Nutella , ah that's great! I looove Nutella
Me: now to change spinners(insert evil laugh)
Ryan: I'm scared now
Me:a banana, you?
Me: *bursts out laughing then coughs to show control again of composure* NEXT!
Ryan: beans. Such great luck
Me: hell yes Oreos . Now one last time
Me: 2tbs of peanut butter . I don't really like PB but it's better than a lot of things. Ryan?
Ryan: hot sauce 1tbs. Well that's just great.
Me:Now we have to blend them!
Both; *blends their ingredients with vanilla yoghurt as their base*
Me: *looks at cup * eww it looks like puke
Ryan: mine looks like a turd. Probably from the Nutella.
Both:*looks at each other* well we're screwed

We both chugged down the smoothies at the same time. I could feel the lumps go down my throats as I gaged on the disgusting texture. I looked to my left to see Ryan not in a better condition.  We both spat out the disgusting liquids at the same time back into the cup and washed out our mouths with the listerine we had on stand by.

Me: eww that's disgusting let's never do that again
Ryan: agreed
Me: so that's that. We've finished the challenge, who do you think won or had the worst tasting smoothie? Tell me In the comments.
Ryan; give this video a like if you enjoyed it. You can subscribe to both of us and on my channel y/n and I have another collab so get check it out.
Both: bye guys!
(Camera is turned off)

A/n I'm lazy so the next chapter is probably gonna come out tomorrow (in Europe anyway)if I'm up for it. Or for you Americans etc. Today! Bye my constellations.
I don't own anyone in this fanfic. Ryan owns you
Words : 1087

How We Met (8-bitryan x reader) AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang