In Da Club

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An hour later, we were in the club as usual, and going up the stairs to the VIP area. "Well hello miss Victoria" a familiar face greeted me at the top. "Hey Cedric!" I beamed at him. "How's it goin girl?" he asked me, "good, how about you?" I asked him in return. "Not bad, not bad" he nodded. "Gonna be a little crazy in here tonight though" he said, rubbing his hands together. I laughed, "I can imagine." I nodded, "does he know you're coming tonight?" he asked me, referring to Marshall. I shook my head. "I didn't think so, he still thinks you're away" he told me. I nodded, "thanks for doin this Cedric" I told him. He winked at me, "Well you go have yourself a good night miss, I'm sure he'll be happy to see you" he grinned, "thank you, see you soon C" I smiled at him. He winked back at me and ushered me inside the VIP room.

"I bet he will" Erica winked at me, making me giggle and heat up a little. "C'mon girl, let's grab a drink, chill out at the back of the room and enjoy this evening like a couple of fans" I said, throwing my arm over her shoulder. She laughed. It was true, we were both fans of his music, and I always was a little more than her, but fans all the same. So we did what she said.


Soon enough, the hype man was finishing up and the crowd was pumped. "I can't believe how packed it is up in here!" Ola said to me. I nodded, "yeah, considering it was an underground invitation" I said, "there's a lot of hot guys in here too" Erica commented. I laughed, but before I had a chanced to reply, I heard a familiar voice through the speakers. "Yo, y'all doin out there tonight?" I couldn't help but bite my lip.

He walked out onto the little stage in a pair of light blue jeans, his dark blue Jordan's, a pale grey thin hoodie which he had unzipped, with a white t-shirt underneath and a black jacket over the top. He always looked good, but as I'd not seen him for so long, he looked extra hot. From now on, everything had to measure up to Marshall...huh? Zak who?


Two hours later, he was about to wrap up the session. No one wanted it to end, everyone was having a great time, and as a fan myself, I was gutted that I had missed his tour, I would have loved it. He was fantastic live. It made me admire him more. His final song was a mix of Superman, obviously I giggled when I heard it begin to play, but when that morphed into shake that, I was almost giddy.

The four of us were dancing around in the back of the room, completely oblivious to everyone else there. This night was the best i'd had in a long ass time and i felt things were only gonna get better.


After he had left the stage, and all the fans had been taken back down to the club, the floor was opened back up to the VIPs again. Us girls had popped to the bathroom to freshen up.

"OMG how hot was he out there?!" we heard a couple of young girls squealing beside us as we all stood facing the mirrors fixing our make-up. I heard Erica snigger next to me. I glanced up at her in the mirror and she was grinning at me. "I'm so gonna talk to him" one of the other girls said. I looked over at her, and cringed, she was wearing the shortest dress I'd ever seen, and everything was spilling out the top of it too. Her bleach blonde hair matted with hairspray and bad 90's make up splattered over her face. "Jesus fucking Christ" Erica muttered as she looked at her too. I couldn't help but giggle. Her friend dressed the same, yet they looked about 16. "He'll wanna take us both home" the other girl smirked, Camella rolled her eyes, "fuckin hell, I thought we were back in the '98 for a minute" Erica muttered under her breath making me laugh. "Somethin' wrong sweetie?" thing 1 said to me, catching me laughing. I looked to her scowling at me and I bit my lip, "oh, no nothing..." I said, innocently, she wasn't buying it. "Like he'd ever go for the likes of you" she snapped, I laughed, and so did my girls, "you have no idea" Camella sniggered. "And what's that supposed to mean?!" thing 2 glared at us. "Oh, nothing sweetie" Camella added, fluffing up her hair in the mirror. The two girls muttered something at us and then turned and stropped out of the bathroom.

"I seriously thought they were gonna try knock us out" Ola said to the rest of us. We laughed, "They'd get their asses kicked out" Erica replied, I nodded, "I think you should show them stupid little girls what Marshall really likes" she nodded, giving me a wink and a nudge. I couldn't help but blush at her, "I dunno about that" I replied, looking down to slip my lipstick into my purse. "Well honey, once he sees you in that outfit, he'll wanna take you home" Ola winked at me, I laughed at her and shook my head, "c'mon let's go" she giggled, and then linked arms with me.

But as soon as we exited the bathroom, we heard a track that we always got down to, so we naturally turned our attention to the dance floor. But as we did, we noticed Marshall had just walked in himself. I saw loads of people go over to him, congratulating him and wanting to say hello and all that stuff, so I wanted to leave him to it for now. But as I walked to the dance floor, I was looking his way and just like it was meant to be, he looked over in my direction and saw me, as he was hugging a guy of his. The guy was saying something to him, but he was looking over at me. I smiled at him, trying to keep my legs from turning to jelly, and he stood looking at me with a smirk on his face. So I simply lifted my hand up and blew him a kiss. He grinned at me and I just turned back to my girls and began to strut my stuff. I took a deep breath and exhaled looking at the girls, who saw our exchange. "Perfect!" Erica winked at me as I smiled at her. I think she was right.


She was fucking here. I couldn't believe that she was fucking here. I had no clue that she had been watching me perform, but I kinda liked it. She looked good too. Hell, she always did, but tonight, dressed in a tight leather mini dress she looked smokin. I couldn't wait to see her again, but I had too many people to see before I could get my hands on her again. But my eyes never left her the whole night.

I had spent most of the night dancing as usual, and it felt so good to be back home. I hadn't been able to speak to Marshall yet, but I knew he was sitting watching me. There were still loads of people hanging around him and I knew it was pointless trying to go over there. I knew he wasn't going anywhere.


I had been chilling with my guys the whole night in our usual spot surrounded by hoes, which didn't please me, I wanted my girl here. But I couldn't find her. Even my man C was on the lookout for her. I grabbed my drink and stood up, moving away from all the chaos going on around me, to lean over the railing to look out onto the crowds below. I saw two of her girls down there with some dudes, and I knew she wasn't up here coz I'd seen her girl Erica up here alone. Where in the hell was she?

As I stood at the bar on my own waiting to be served, a guy came up behind me, tapping me on the shoulder. I turned round expecting it to be one of the girls, but I had a shock when I saw Aaron grinning at me. "Oh my god! Aaron!" I gasped, instantly holding my arms out to him, "hey girl! How are you?!" he bellowed at me, I giggled; I'd missed this big ol' bear. "Oh I'm very good, how're you?" I asked, pulling away from him to look at his face, still with our arms around each other. "Great, yeah" he grinned at me, "who you here with?" I asked him, seeing as he was alone, "well uh, the guys" he said, looking a little sheepish, "it was actually Zak who saw you..." he said, looking down a little, knowing we didn't hang out anymore. "Oh, okay" I nodded, "he's been tryna call you, but got no answer, figured you didn't wanna talk to him" he shrugged, that made me feel bad, "oh no, I've been away in Europe for the last 6 months" I explained. "Oh cool really?" he asked, making me smile and nod at him. "Well uh, you wanna come grab a quick drink with us?" he offered, how could I turn Aaron down, I loved him! I smiled and nodded. "Why not, the girls won't mind" I told him, he grinned and winked at me, "awesome" putting his arm over my shoulder he led me downstairs.

*sings* I see trouble ahead....

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