Something Unexpected

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For some reason my stomach was doing somersaults as I followed Aaron down to the mid section of the club. I knew why, I hadn't seen Zak in like 9 months and I didn't know how to feel about that. But seeing Aaron and Nick was always like I'd never lost contact with them. But then I wondered why Zak had tried calling me, well I was gonna find out soon enough...

We pushed through the crowds and finally into a clearing to see Nick and Zak stood with a couple other guys. "Vick!!" Nick grinned excitedly as he saw me appear from behind Aaron. I instantly grinned at him like I did Aaron and he left the conversation he and Zak and the other guys were having to come and see me. I pushed my fist against his and he laughed, "Aww girl hug it out!" he said, pulling me into his arms. I laughed and cuddled him back. "How are you girl?!" he asked me as Aaron looked on at us grinning. "Good, you?" I replied, he nodded, "fantastic!"

"Congrats on the little one" I smiled, I followed him on instagram. "Oh thank you, she's amazing..." he said, immediately reaching for his wallet to show me pictures of his new little girl. "Aww Nick she's beautiful" I beamed at him, from looking at the photograph. "Thank you, like her mommy" he said, I laughed, "how is Veronique?" I asked, he nodded and smiled, "she's good, tired, but we've never been happier" he nodded, I beamed a smile at him, "I'm so happy for you guys, give her my love" I told him, "I will" he nodded, "you gotta come by, she'd love to see you" he said, "oh, well yeah I'd love to, thanks, and I'd love a hold of little Chloe" I smiled, he grinned, he was so proud of his girls, "I'd love for you too" he replied, "yo Nick, c'mere man...want another?" Aaron said, shaking his beer bottle at him. Nick frowned, not realising Aaron was trying to leave me and Zak on our own. I wanted the ground to swallow me up, I'd not even said hello to him yet. "Oh yeah," Nick nodded, still not aware of why he had to leave me, "see you in a minute girl" he looked back at me and winked. I nodded and smiled, then looking down to the floor. Here goes nothing....

I looked up from the floor seeing Zak moving over to me, the other guys they had been with no longer in sight. "Hey girl" he said, in his deep voice. "Zak" I smiled a little at him. I'd forgotten how tall he was. He didn't hug me like the other two did; he just shuffled in front of me awkwardly. "You good?" he asked, looking down at me. I nodded, "yeah I am" I replied, "cool," he nodded back, not breaking his gaze from me. I started to feel a little more awkward. "I uh..." he didn't know what to say to me, I just stood and waited, looking at him though, I couldn't help but check him out a little, he was as muscular as ever, most people thought he took steroids, but he didn't. He was wearing his usual dark jeans, Jordan's, a tight white t-shirt and his hair gelled up to perfection. He had a little colour to his skin which looked nice and also he was wearing some black thick rimmed glasses. They really suited him. "I uhh, I didn't think you'd come talk to us" he said, causing me to frown. "Why not?" I asked him, "because you didn't take my calls" he answered sadly. I smiled and shook my head. "No, I've been in Europe for the last 6 months" I explained. "Oh, uhh, okay" he laughed a little in relief and looked to his feet.


"You look amazing shortstop" he said, as we slipped into a booth. I looked up at him quickly and he looked down at the table, "sorry baby" he apologised, he always called me shortstop. I knew it just slipped out, so did the 'baby'. "Thank you" I replied, knowing he didn't mean anything by it. He looked back at me and smiled. "So how was Europe?" he asked, getting a little more comfortable with each other a little more. "Great," I beamed and began to tell him all about my last 6 months. "Wow, you even went back home. I bet that was cool" he said, I nodded, "yeah," I nodded, "how about you?" I asked, wanting to know how the GAC was getting on. "We've been so lucky getting the lockdowns and the evidence that we have." He said, telling me all about it, since splitting with him, I'd not watched one episode of ghost adventures, I just couldn't. But he got that. He knew that I was bummed that we didn't stay together and I was soon to find out he felt the same....


We'd been sitting here for nearly an hour just talking, and to be honest it was nice, but things were about to get complicated....

"I better be getting back to the girls." I told him, seeing Erica had text me asking where I was. "Oh you gotta go?" he asked, I looked up at him and nodded. "Yeah I've left them up there" I nodded to the VIP area. "Oh, yeah sorry baby" he said, then he frowned, he did it again. I just looked up at him and he sighed, "look girl, I've wanted to say this to you for so long, but I daren't." he said, looking at his hands sitting in his lap. My heart started racing.

"I miss you like crazy..." he confessed. Those words I never thought would ever come out of his mouth. I was gob smacked. I didn't know what to say, but he seemed to want to do all the talking. "I didn't know how to handle you gone, and when you came back, I was fucked up. But it was too late, I'd lost you" he said, I shook my head, "but you hadn' know I still had feelings for you. I wanted you to realise that. Hell Zak, I was in love with you..." I replied, then realising what I had just admitted, I think he was just as shocked as I was. "You loved me too?" he asked, "too?" I frowned; my heart was in my mouth. He nodded, "why didn't you tell me?" I asked him, a little angrily. He sighed, looking a little sheepish again, "I didn't want you to break by heart so I didn't tell you. You were leaving; I didn't know what to do." He said, I sighed then, "but you didn't know I was gonna break your heart, instead you broke mine" I said. "Fuck" he groaned angrily as he rubbed he head with his hands. I just sat there staring at him; I really never thought this conversation was gonna happen.

"I ain't ever got over you ya know?" he said, finally looking back at me. I really didn't wanna be hearing this. "But I had to Zak." I said softly. "I didn't think you wanted me like I wanted you. So I had to leave you guys. I couldn't hang out with you with god knows who all over you" I explained. He groaned again. "I'm so sorry girl" he apologised, looking at me, his eyes full of sorrow. I sighed and nodded, "okay" I said softly. "You think we could maybe start again?" he asked me, what the fuck was I going to say? I swallowed hard and looked back at him, "I'm sorry Zak." I said, shaking my head. "Vick, baby please" he sighed, taking my hand. "Zak honey, you can't expect me to just drop everything in my life now that you've realised the mistake you've made" I told him. "Fuck." He sighed again. "I'm sorry Zak, but you made me move on, and I have. I didn't want to; I wanted to still be with you." I said softly. He just sat staring at his hands. I had to look away from them, cause I began to start thinking about where I used to love having those hands. "You got somebody else?" he asked me, causing me to nod hesitantly. "Who?"

"Does it matter?" I shrugged, looking up at him. He just looked back at me with is dark blue eyes. I sighed, "Eminem..." I confessed. There was silence for a second or two then he cocked his head to one side, "Eminem?" He asked almost disgustedly. I frowned at him, "he's here doin his little concert ain't he" he said, obviously knowing what all the other hundreds of people here knew. I nodded. "I'm sorry Zak, if things were different..." I trailed off. He sighed and nodded, "Please don't forget about me baby, I won't ever forget about you girl" he said, looking into my eyes. I shook my head, "I'll never forget you Zak," I said, softly, kissing his cheek. Then without saying another word, I slipped out of the booth.

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