City Of Angels

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4 weeks later, I found myself in LA with my job. Well, the job was done and I had decided to take a couple weeks out to relax and clear my head. Ha! Clear my head, yeah right, everything I did made me think of him, everything I saw I wanted to tell him about. It sucked. I'd even headed out for a quiet dinner alone out of my hotel and a guy at a bar I was sitting at was trying to hit on me, and I just couldn't handle it. Why the hell couldn't I move on? Yeah I knew, I still wanted him, hell, I even loved the asshole. Not exactly a big shocker is it. Anyway, on my way back to the hotel, my cell vibrated. Pulling it out of my bag, I saw that it was Hailie. I smiled, missing talking to her, so I called her up.

"Hello...Vick!" I heard Hailie squeal from the kitchen. "Where are you sweetie?" she asked excitedly as I wandered into the room, casually heading to the fridge. I hovered around after grabbing a red bull and made myself a sandwich til she had finished.

"I know you were listening dad" Hailie smirked at me. I frowned. "No I wasn't" I replied indignantly. She scoffed at me. "She's in LA"




"For work, and then she's taken a couple weeks off, clear her head and stuff" Hailie said, whilst spinning her cell on the counter top. "Oh" I replied, not really caring that I sounded bummed. "Just frickin call her" Hailie sighed at me, I flicked my eyes up to her, "Hailie!" I scolded her for her language. "C'mon dad, I know you miss her" she ignored me. I sighed and watched her steal half of my food. "You've been even grumpier since you guys spilt." She grinned cheekily as she took a huge bite out of my sandwich. She was right; I'd been an asshole to everyone in my path. I cringed at how many times Dre threatened to beat my ass. "You heard her though, she's gone to clear her head, she don't want me no more" I shrugged, feeling sorry for myself. This was my problem. I could get the girl, but never keep her. Something would always fuck it up and that something was nearly always me. "She's gone to get away from everything that reminds her of you. She's hurting too; I can hear it in her voice. She still ain't over you" I sighed, thinking about what she was saying. "I dunno what to do Hailie jade."

"Why don't you go over there?"

"What?" I asked, looking up at her after her ridiculous comment. "Go to LA. Surprise her. Tell her you're sorry." She shrugged. "I can't do that. That's crazy." I replied. "I've never done anything like that before" I added. "Have you ever felt this way about someone before?" Hailie asked me. I looked up at her sheepishly and shook my head. She smiled at me. "Well then, get that jet of yours ready, and go and see her!" she encouraged me. My head swirled with all the reasons I shouldn't go, "but what if she tells me to take a hike?"

"Then you know that it's over" she shrugged at me. I swallowed hard and nodded. "I guess I'm going to LA then" Hailie just beamed a cheesy grin at me and stuffed the last of my sandwich into her mouth.

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