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A mistake will cost you everything. 

A baby 

Straight to confinement 

All blame placed on your hands.

Because of having a sickness or cold in short.

>>>>>Zen's Guide<<<<<<

Hunter is my baby brother who is so cute very happy. 


Hunter is now in the hospital because of my mistake for going near him with my stupid colds.



I wonder why did it have to happen.

He caught the cold then.

Got worse 

and worse 

Till he had to go to the hospital..


It has already been 4 days since his confinement in the hospital.

Luckily school is near the hospital where his staying. 

So i can eat there and go there when school is over.

As I go to the hospital room Room 216, It's very small and has two beds one for th caretaker and my mom and hunter.

He looks better somehow.

Or I think he is.

I keep thinking pressuing the words in my mind.

The words


"Your Fault"

"The cause"


and the best one above all.


Of course non of it would be possible without my mom's words of hate.



Everybody now hates me even more.



and Laura and Maura.

I see my brother's sunken eyes, dried lips and Weak and tired body.

"This is definately my fault!! " My subcounscious says.

I run to my bed which is nowhere. Since we are in the hospital.

So I head to the exit.

" Get Out and breathe... " My 2nd voice or my other face says.

>>>>>>>>>>>Zen's Guide<<<<<<<<<<

2nd voice- The one that controls my composure or the voice that finds the ways and means to focus.





"It will Be okay..."

And it did 

I was Happy.

Few days later he got dispatched and sent home 

I felt happy.


19 .........

Author's Note.

Thanks for waiting here is my new update.

Sorry for the long wait.

And now I will start on the new update

It is called Love.

Ready for Thy comments :0 

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