"You have more friends than you know"

18 1 1

I thought of myself as a nobody..

No friends.

No people to talk to.


Just me and myself.


Then they showed up and proved me wrong sending my doubts about myself away like dust in the wind.

With courage of friends a self esteem was created.


and pain

Vanished into the unknown.

I am myself once more.

To being able to live a life of happiness.

and freedom.

>>>>>>>>>>>>Zen's Guide<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

I thought that my friends have disappeared over the summer...

Not a message from them (maybe a few chats ) but then I thought they werent so much as there anymore unlike when school was there and we would talk and laugh forever and the day would seem faster than usual and my life seems easier around them despite the sadness that dwell inside my house so I enjoy and yearn for the next days of school so I could once again enjoy the moments with them and then summer arrives we all had to bid each other goodbye for a short while..

But they seem to be longer..

Ever since then, days have been longer my misery inside the four walls of my house consumes my sanity.Every night I have to wish that maybe tomorrow would be then better but, alas wishing never works.

The screams of my mother scolding me for what I havent done or such a small matter but then she never lets them slide how her curses would reach into my head and rewind themselves over and over.

How I yearn for my friends..

When I believed hope was lost they where actually their waiting for me.I thought they were gone then again they are here!!

at last..


Never been so happy of my entire life..

They are truly worth it.

True friends.



Hey there everybody of the writing community!!!

I updated!!

This one is a little bit new and different but oh well.

comment what you think..

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