7- Beebo Saves The Day

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I saw Chris reach inside his suit jacket and start to pull out a pistol.

That was when shit hit the fan.

I felt Melanie's elbow go into my gut in her rush to pull out a gun of her own and I got bumped into by a few other people in their rush to ready for the fight.

Finally, I got grounded and was able to pull the throwing knife out of my pocket. I looked around and caught sight of Ricky pulling out a gun and aiming it right at me.

Not again asshole.

Before he could even aim, I threw my knife at him, aiming for his thigh because I don't want to kill unless I absolutely fucking have to. My knife found its mark in his upper thigh, causing him to drop his gun and fall to the ground and yelling in pain. I smirked, but didn't have long to rest in my victory.

I heard Pete yell out, and I turned around and saw someone pinning him down with a gun pointed directly at his head. I saw patches of blood forming on the front of Pete's shirt, he had been injured. I quickly grabbed another knife and threw it at the man trying to kill Pete.

It sunk deep into the side of the man's rib cage, probably puncturing his lung, but definitely not killing him.
I ran over and hooked my arms underneath Pete's and began to pull him out of the room. I got back into the hallway and immediately looked him over.

He had a deep cut along his abdomen that was bleeding pretty heavily. He groaned and started to put pressure on the wound to slow the bleeding.

"I'm fine Bren, get back in there. If Andy finds you out here unharmed Dallon will get it again." I nodded my head and reluctantly left him to join the fight again. It was completely against my instincts to leave him like that, but he was right.

I ran back in the room just in time to see Chris land a well aimed punched in Andy's eye. Before I could look around to see where I needed to be, I felt someone jump on my back and knock me to the ground. I felt a knife pressed to my throat, but I couldn't see who it was.

I saw that Chris had gotten the upper-hand on Andy and had forced him to kneel on the floor and had gun pressed to his head.

"Hey!" Chris shouted, instantly gathering the attention of everyone. "Drop your fucking weapons," he hissed.

I heard the sounds of stuff falling to the floor as whoever was pinning me down grabbed me by the hair and pulled me up into a kneeling position as well.

I looked up and saw Andy was making eye contact with me, I flinched a bit and almost looked away, but I saw his eyes flick down a bit, and then back up to me. I raised one of my eyebrows in confusion, and he repeated the action.

I glanced down and saw the top of a throwing knife poking out of the sheath I had tucked into the waistband of my jeans. I gave him a slight nod. As Chris began talking and everyone was distracted, I slowly moved my arm to grab the knife, no one paying any attention to me. I gripped the knife and pulled it out, it hung down by my side slightly tucked into my sleeve.

"So what will it be Andy?" Chris asked. I felt the person who had me dig the knife deeper to my throat, making a small cut on my skin as he forced me to stand.

"If you don't cooperate, I'll slowly kill off your followers, one by one, starting with the one who hurt Ricky." He looked at me and then back at Andy. I looked at Andy who glanced over at me before matching Chris's gaze.

"Fuck you," was his answer.

Chris nodded at the person behind me, but before anything could happen, I took action. I pulled knife I had palmed up my sleeve and threw it right at Chris. It landed right below his heart, making him fall to the ground and giving Andy the opportunity to jump up and steal the gun.

I felt a sharp pain in my gut.

I looked down, the man who had been restraining me had managed to stab me in the gut as I lunged forward to throw the knife. I fell to the ground, fighting my instinct to immediately pull out the knife; that would only make me bleed out faster.

I didn't pay attention to what was going on around me, I could hear the sounds of fighting and yelling. I felt my blood slipping through my fingers as I tired to apply pressure around the knife, just like I was taught.

As I was lying there on the ground I couldn't help but wonder about Pete, if he was still ok or not. I thought about Dallon, if I do end up dying what would happen to him? They'd probably kill him...

I was pulled from my thoughts by Gerard coming over and moving my hands aside so he could apply the pressure for me. Letting out a hiss of pain, I gripped his wrist to get his attention.

"You need to go find Pete, he got hurt and- fuck you don't have to push that hard! I moved into the hallway."

"It's ok B, Caleb is taking care of him. We have all Motionless, that were here anyways, and Chris. We were able to over power the rest of them thanks to you. Just focus on breathing and staying awake, you can't help Dallon if you're dead." I took a deep breath and nodded my head, letting it fall back against the floor.

"Thanks Gee."

I heard Andy shouting orders at others to get Motionless restrained and in the vans. I was starting to get lightheaded, they really need to hurry this along.

"Caleb! Do you have Pete in the car? Yeah? Good, come over here and help Gerard with Brendon." I heard Melanie shout. Upon hearing footsteps right next to my head, I glanced up and saw Caleb standing above me and digging through a first aid bag. Eventually, he knelt down next to us and pulled some things out of the black duffle.

"Ok, Gerard I'm going to pull the knife out, and as soon as I do use this gauze pad and apply a lot of pressure until I say to move. I'm going to have to stitch him up some here in order to get him back. They'll be kind of rough, but they'll do until I can get him back to the infirmary, numb him up, and take my time doing them."

I saw Gerard's fiery red hair flop around in the corner of my eye as he nodded his head. Then Caleb looked at me.

"Do you want me to count down? Or just do it?" I thought for a second before answering.

"Count please." I groaned out.

"Ok, you ready Gerard? Ok, count of three. One, two, three!"

"FUCKING SHIT!!" I shouted out as I felt the knife get pulled from me. That hurt so, so bad.

"Ow! Fuck Gee I'm pretty sure you don't have to push that hard, you're gonna make me piss myself if you don't let up a bit."

"I think pissing yourself should be the least of your worries at the moment. Now shut up and stop straining yourself, you still have to get stitches."

Fuck my life.

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