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Holy shit I didn't expect to get seven votes in the first two days like... what? Is this what being popular feels like?😂

Waking up to the sound of rushing air and the beautiful view out of your window, you realise you're almost there. It was about seven thirty now, and the Sun was rising, casting a golden glow over the earth, and staining the clouds pink. There were city lights below, and the seatbelt sign flashed on. The plane was landing. Landing in the same country as Yuri Plisetsky, your idol.

There was a jerk as the plane landed, and a baby started crying behind you. It took another five minutes for the plane to stop, and yet another for everyone to slowly file off the plane.

You walked to collect your luggage, but before you could get there, you saw a large crowd of girls, some of them wearing cat ears or leopard print, crowding round someone with their phones out and shouting.

You instantly knew what was happening, and ran up to the cloud.

"Everybody shut the hell up!"

You screamed at the fangirls. They all turned round and looked at you, silent and wide eyed.

"You really think Yuri's gonna be fine with you crowding around him and screaming in his ear? What if he goes deaf before the grand Prix, huh?"

You shouted, annoyed that your fellow fangirls were always like this. You knew it just annoyed the crap out of Yuri. You just wanted to watch him skate, and had no interest in meeting him. They scampered off and you were about to leave, when Yuri grabbed your shoulder.

"Wait, I didn't say thank you!"

Yuri said, in perfect English. You stood there, mesmerised for about five seconds and then blurted out,

"No, it's ok."

"It's cool that people like me I guess, but they can be really annoying sometimes. What's your name, are you a fan of mine?"

"Oh... my name's (y/n). Yeah, I'm a big fan. I-i hope you win!"

"Thanks for coming to watch me. Anyway, bye, (y/n)."

He hoisted his leopard print backpack over his shoulder, tossed his blonde bob and walked off leaving you standing there in awe. You actually spoke to him. You spoke to Yuri Plisetsky. Sure, it was only three sentences, but he acknowledged your existence! You laughed, half in shock and half of happiness. It had been less than twenty minutes since you got off the plane and you had already achieved more from this trip than you ever meant to.

You suddenly remembered you needed to collect your bag, and hurried off.

You still had questions though. Why was he here in the airport? Why was he so nice? He seemed so serious during his performances and you had heard a rumour about him shouting at an upcoming skater in the bathrooms, some people even said he had beat him up, but you didn't believe he would do that. He was the Russian punk, yet... he was nice to his fans?

You kept walking, knowing that a taxi driver would probably be really impatient if they had to wait for you this long. You collected your bag and walked to the arrivals area.

You saw a woman holding up a sign that had your name written on it, and waked over to her.

"Hi, I'm (y/n)."

"Oh, ok, nice to meet you." She was quiet and had a strong Russian accent, but you could understand her, and you followed her to the carpark.

Getting in the car, you heard loud music playing from the car a few spaces across and looked over. It was Yuri. Strange, you saw him twice. Not that you were complaining. Then he saw you... and waved.

"Oh, look, it's you again!"

He laughed. You looked around you, not believing it was you he was waving at, but there was no one else in the car park. You turned to wave back, but he was already in the car, and the engine had started.

You got in your own car. The driver was staring at you, surprised.

"You know Yuri Plisetsky?"

She asked, her eyes wide.

"Not exactly."

You answered. I just saved him from a crowd of crazy fangirls ten minutes ago, you felt like answering, but didn't. She started driving, and you were on your phone for most of the journey.

Close to the end of the two-hour journey, you got a notification from Instagram;

yuri-plisetsky (Yuri Plisetsky) has followed you.

For a moment you were sure it was a fan account, but you checked and you almost forgot how to breathe. It wasn't a fan account, it was his real account. Yuri Plisetsky, THE Yuri Plisetsky had just followed you on Instagram.

You stared at the notification for the last twenty minutes of the drive to your hotel. After checking in, you flopped on your bed, and squealed. This holiday was going to be way better than you thought it would be...

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