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It was 8:00pm, you had gone and walked around town a bit, and it was early, but you were almost falling asleep. You went on your phone for a while, just flicking through Instagram.

You were still so happy from meeting Yurio, and him following you on Instagram, and soon you found yourself stalking his page. You found him and his love for all things cat-related so cute. Most of his captions had a cat emoji, and he was always wearing something leopard print.

You picked up your leopard print hair bow that you wore anytime you saw him skate. The way you thought of him had changed today. Before, he was just an idol, a celebrity, you would never dream of meeting him - or maybe you didn't want to. Maybe you were afraid of it all becoming too real, because before today, he was as close as the stars in the sky. And now, right now, you could just open Instagram and DM him...

You couldn't deny for a second that you wanted to, and you almost did. The only thing that stopped you was that you were nervous. Before today, he hadn't even acknowledged your existence, but now he had and you didn't want that to result in him hating you.

But you couldn't get rid of the impulse to message him. You looked at the time. It was already almost 9:00, and you were exhausted. You decided to go to sleep... After checking to see if he had done literally anything on Instagram just one more time.

To your surprise, he had posted a new photo. It was a picture of him at the airport, head turned to face the camera, smiling and pulling his suitcase. You liked it and looked at the caption;
'A cute fan helped me at the airport today. She'll probably see this and know it's her I'm talking about. Whatever😹'.

You couldn't breathe. You dropped your phone on the bed, turned to face the ceiling, and squealed, loudly. You almost screamed, but held it in, because you knew whoever was in the room next to you wouldn't be too happy.

Scrolling through the comments, you noticed his other fans weren't too happy about this. People were acting like Yurio was theirs, as if he was a possession that no one else could touch. This made you feel really uncomfortable, because even though they didn't know it, it was you they were talking about and hating on.

'who is this bitch???'

'omg someones taking yurio away!'

'yurio is MINE!'

Now you wished you had never looked at your phone. Now you weren't tired anymore, you didn't feel like sleeping at all. You scrolled through your feed, thinking about what Yuri might think about this.

As if on cue, you got a DM from him, but for some reason, you didn't feel that excited.

Followed quickly by another message;

You texted back, confused.

'You didn't read the comments, did you!?'

'Yeah but it's fine..."

'Dont worry, I can delete it if you want'
'By the way, just cause I said you're cute, don't get any ideas'
'I don't like you or anything.'
'we just met'
He spammed into the chat.

'I wasn't thinking that'
You lied, but Yuri never saw it. He'd probably gone to delete the picture. You couldn't help thinking how strange this all was.

You looked at the time. Holy shit, it was almost 10:00! You put your phone on charge and tried to go to sleep, but you ended up staying awake for what must've been at least another hour thinking, hoping even, that maybe Yurio was lying when he said he didn't like you...

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