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JJ ended up winning the free skate, and Yurio came second. You were so nervous yet happy to talk to him afterwards. You saw him outside the stadium talking to Yuri. They seemed to be getting along this time. You smiled to yourself.

Yurio never meant to be rude to anyone. You knew he was just stressed. He was the youngest skater there, and was pushing himself do hard, you could see it when he skated. He would always have a serious, nervous expression on his face.

He came back inside and called to him. He walked over to you.

'hi, y/n.' he said. He didn't seem that happy.

'Are you okay?'

'yeah, I just can't believe JJ won, I was definitely better than him.'

'yeah, I know you don't like him.'

'hes just SO ANNOYING!' Yurio almost screamed, and you couldn't help but laugh.

'What's funny?'

'yurio, don't take it so seriously. Have some fun, make friends with the other skaters...' you trailed off.


'you seem quite stressed these days, huh?'


Suddenly, a gust of wind blew in from the doors behind you, and you felt cold air on your back. You looked behind you.

It was snowing heavily outside. You couldn't walk home anytime soon at this rate. You cursed under your breath.

'I have to walk back to the hotel in this...'

'ill walk with you if you want.' Yurio blurted out, blushing slightly.

Your face started burning. You tried your hardest not to squeal and fangirl right then and there.

'uh, yeah sure. I'd like that.' you looked down at your feet, then at Yurio, who was staring at you, but his eyes quickly flicked away.

You started walking, and Yurio walked beside you. There was an awkward silence, and the Yurio turned and asked you something.

'What's with you?'


'Its just, all the other fangirls would've made a move on me by now...'

'well you're modest, aren't you?' you laughed.

Snow was blowing all around you, and it didn't look like it was going to stop. It was getting heavier and heavier.

'Hey, there's a main road coming up, but i don't think we should cross it in this.' you stated, not knowing how you would get home.

'Um, there's a really nice café just around the corner, do you wanna stop there until the storm clears up a bit?'

'yeah, sure.'

You walked to the café, and as soon as the doors opened, the warmth and smell of fresh bread enveloped you. It was mostly empty, and the glow of dim yellow lights scattered the room.

'wow... this is-'

'yeah I know, it's my favourite place to go, ever,' Yurio said, happily, with a bit of excitement in his voice,
'you can go sit down, what drink do you want?'

'Uh, no, I can pay, it's fi-'

'nope, drinks on me!'

'Ill have hot chocolate then, thank you!' (or whatever drink you like cause y'all nutella haters are weird)

Why was Yurio being so nice? Maybe he was just in a good mood but you couldn't shake the hopeful feeling that he liked you. You had talked a lot yesterday, and you had to admit, he was cute, though he would probably roundhouse kick you if he heard you call him cute.

'Hey, Yuratchka! Back for the Grand Prix?' the woman at the counter said.
(Lets just pretend you understand Russian for the sake of the plot)

'yeah, and you bet I'm gonna win this time now Victor isn't here! Two hot chocolates please.'

'Coming right up. Hmm, now there's that newbie he's coaching. He has a similar name to yours I think.'

You thought you heard Yurio growl under his breath.

'HA! That pig won't win.'

'Anyway, who's the girl? Have you finally found a girlfriend?'

'What? No she's not- she's just a fan!'

'Hmm? So why is she here with you and why are you buying her a drink?'

'I just offered to walk her to her hotel!'

'That just proves my point!'

Yurio grabbed the hot chocolates and stormed back to the table.

'here you go!' Yurio was back with your drinks, and the scowl replaced with huge, adorable smile on his face. You were definitely crushing on this boy.

Double update, you're welcome! I just had way too much inspiration. I'm so excited to write the next chapter, I have such a good idea for it. Luv ya!

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