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Almost unconsciously, you went inside, and flopped on your bed. Your heart was pounding and your body was unusually warm. You touched your arm in the place he grabbed you. It felt tingly, as if you had pins and needles, but softer.

You put you hand to your lips. You wanted to make sure this wasn't just a dream, that you wouldn't wake up back in your own bed and everything will be gone. But your lips were still hot and soft from the kiss.

Part of you was scared, so scared, that Yurio was just joking, or didnt really mean it. But was it okay to text him right now, to make sure? You sighed, and lay unmoving on your bed. You just wanted to stay here forever, replaying that kiss over and over in your mind.


You felt something warm on your face and opened your eyes to find the golden glow of morning spilling in through your window. You realised that you were freezing cold and had slept in your clothes. What had happened?

Then suddenly you were drowned in a wave of memories; Yurio's lips on yours, his hand on your waist, his soft goodnight... everything came back to you, and your head swirled.

You still doubted that he meant it. How could he have developed feelings for you in four short days, most of which you only messaged each other? It didn't make sense. Part of you thought maybe it was just a realistic dream, but that didn't make sense either. Him being joking was the most plausible option, but you really hoped that wasn't the case.

Your phone buzzed suddenly, shaking you out of you thoughts. It was him... you didn't want to seem too eager, but you had to find out what had actually happened. You opened Instagram and checked your DMs.

'good morning'
'sorry about what happened last night'
He had sent, but no proper explanation at all.

You waited for him to say something, but two minutes passed and he didn't.

'why did you kiss me?'
You typed, but didn't send immediately, because admittedly, you were quite scared. You decided to send it in the end, and your heart pounded as you waited for a reply.

'because I like you...'

It didn't make sense. Why would he like you when he could pick any of his fans?


'Why are you sorry? I'm just confused???'

'why are you confused?'

'you've known me for four days'

'I don't know why I like you, I just do. I feel happy when I'm with you and I miss you when I'm not. And I just really wanted to kiss you. So yeah, I like you.'

'that's good, because I like you too.'

There was a long pause before Yurio asked something,

'when are you leaving Russia?'

'two and a half weeks.'

'will you come somewhere with me today?'


'be ready in an hour'

'where are we going'

'Lol thats a secret'

'I don't like secrets :('


But he had left the chat.


Uh oh Cheerios I haven't updated in three centuries and this is hella short. I'm sorry I kinda winged this chapter, so it's not great. I'll update soon. Also thank u guys so much, 4k reads, this is crazy😐 Luv ya!

Snow (Yuri Plisetsky x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora