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"I can't believe it's only ten o clock and we're back at the condo." After the first day at the beach, Y/N had suddenly come over all tired and Spencer had offered to accompany her back to their home for the next few weeks.

"You've probably got mild sunstroke, your back is very red. I told you that you needed sun cream on."

Yes yes yes, Spencer had told her she needed sunscreen on, but when she'd asked him to apply it, he'd balked. Penelope and Morgan had dashed straight out into the sea and it had seemed wrong to ask Rossi to do it, so she'd just settled for slathering lotion on the bits she could reach and hoping that the sun gods would be nice to her.

The five of them had rented a condo by the beach for two weeks, having all amassed a large amount of vacation time that needed to be used up. A temporary team was in place back at Quantico, with Hotch and JJ remaining behind to supervise. They'd take their vacation times separately once their respective kids had broken up from school. It had taken some arm twisting to convince Spencer to come along, beaches were not the tall man's thing. But spending time with his friends was and he could read a book pretty much anywhere, so he'd relented and joined them. There was a library in the town where they were staying, so he could easily entertain himself.

"Do you want a drink or anything?" Spencer asked, pottering around in the kitchen and pouring a glass of iced water for himself.

"The same as you're having please. Then I'm gonna go to bed. You could have stayed at the bar with the others you know."

"Nah, I know it's not far but I couldn't let you walk back by yourself. Leave them three to it." Spencer handed Y/N a glass of water. She thanked him and made her way to the bedroom she was occupying.

Reid looked around the condo, it was pretty nice if you were into that sort of thing. Sleek lines and fancy kitchen appliances with a hot tub out on deck and a large outdoor area. They all had their own bedrooms too, which was a plus, although JJ had mentioned visiting at the weekend meaning one of the girls would have to share.

Y/N stripped off her thin cotton dress, searching for her pj's. She'd very haphazardly unpacked earlier and she found them under her pillow, catching sight of her back in the mirror. Fuck, it really did look red. She reached for the bottle of aftersun she'd bought with her and tried to reach her arms around to rub the soothing lotion into her skin.

Nope. Wasn't happening. And if she knew Penelope, Morgan and Rossi, they wouldn't be back for hours. There was only one thing for it. Pulling on her sleep shorts and wincing as she pulled her loose vest on, she grabbed the lotion and headed out into the lounge, finding Reid sprawled on the couch with a book in his hand.

"I erm... I kinda need your help." She waved the bottle at him, watching his cheeks flush red a little.

"Penelope will be, be b-back soon...."

"You know she won't Spencer. Please? Its just my back, nowhere dodgy. It's so sore.... " Y/N gave him her best puppy dog eyes.

Spencer wrestled with himself. He wanted to help her but it felt wrong to be touching his friend and colleague that way, which was why he hadn't put the sun screen on her in the first place. But she was pleading with her eyes and he gave in, feeling partially at fault anyway.

"Fine..."  He hauled himself into an upright sitting position and motioned for her to come and sit in front of him. She grinned gratefully and grabbed one of the small padded stools that surrounded the large coffee table. Situating herself in front of him, she handed over the aftersun and then pulled the back of her vest up, clutching it to her front to ensure her chest was covered, although it seemed kinda silly considering the skimpy bikini she'd been wearing that afternoon.

Spencer surveyed the expanse of angry red skin in front of him, a thin line across her back where her bikini strap had been. He tried not to think back to how she'd looked in that bikini, it wouldn't do right for him to have that image in his head right now at all. Turning himself to the task at hand he squirted some lotion onto her back.

Y/N sighed with relief, the cool lotion against her hot skin feeling like heaven to her. Spencer gave a little cough before pressing the flat of his palms to her back and gently rubbing the moisturiser in.

"Spencer Reid, you're already on my list of favourite people, but right now you've moved to the top of list."

He laughed softly, that little chuckle he does when he doesn't quite know what to say.

"You really should have been more careful, Y/N."

"I did ask you to rub sun lotion on me. You refused."

"Because you're my friend and it seemed weird. You weren't exactly wearing much!" he squeaked slightly and Y/N craned her head around to look at him.

"And how exactly is now any different from then? At least the bikini was close fitting, all I'd have to do now is turn around and move my top oh so slightly and you'd have a... "

"Please don't!"

"Really Spencer? I saw you check them out earlier. You were more subtle than Derek and Rossi but you looked at my rack.... Don't even try to deny it," she hadn't actually seen him look, but this was fun.

He didn't respond.

"No come back?"

"Nope," he popped his 'p'. "I'm not going to lie, I looked. I couldnt help it."

He had? Interesting.

"And what did you think?"

"You have very nice.... Erm... chests." He croaked the last part, removing his hands from her back and clicking the cap of the lotion closed.

"Chests?" Y/N stood, spinning around on the spot and not bothering to pull the back of her vest down.

"Breasts, alright. You have nice breasts."

Which was the exact point that Penny, Morgan and Rossi decided to walk through the front door.

"Erm... Are we interrupting something here? I feel like we're interrupting." Garcia looked over with a curiouse smile on her face.

Y/N bit back a grin watching Spencer shift awkwardly.

"No Penelope, you're not interrupting anything. Spencer was just applying lotion to my burnt back and telling me what a nice rack I have... " She smiled sweetly at her colleague.

"I didn't... I wasn't.... I... Y/N!! It wasn't like that!!" He leapt to his feet, shoving a hand through his hair.

"Kid, we kinda just heard you say it." Morgan smirked at Reid, Rossi looking on with an amused expression.

"But she makes it sound.... all weird and wrong... and like... "

"Spencer chill," Y/N decided to rescue him. Teasing him was fun but he looked genuinly upset and ashamed when he had no real reason to.

"Seriously guys, he was just helping me apply aftersun. And I kinda provoked him to say that. Don't worry, you didn't walk in on some hot pervy moment between me and Dr Reid."

"Alright alright, whatever you say." Derek kicked his shoes off by the door and strolled over to his bedroom. "For the record Y/N, I totally agree. You have a great rack."

"I know. Thanks though."

Bending over next to Spencer, she grabbed the lotion bottle and tugged her vest down properly, the aftersun now dry.

"Spencer, thanks... And sorry for making you uncomfortable. I'm off to bed now, night gang!"

As she skipped off to bed it occurred to her how much she had enjoyed teasing him. Not in a mean way but in a fun way. He was so cute when he got worked up like that.



She'd just mentally described Spencer as cute?

Sunstroke. Definitely Sunstroke.

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