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Y/N set her alarm for a few hours later, falling into bed and almost immediately to sleep as Spencer retreated to his own room. He eyed Y/N's tablet and contemplated reading more of the fic she'd got him to read but found himself also feeling sleepy. He climbed into his own bed, closing his eyes with a happy smile on his face.

The conversation that had taken place earlier had been something entirely new to him. Whilst he wasn't a complete novice when it came to women, it wasn't very often that he found himself in a situation where someone he liked, liked him back. Y/N had been on the team for two years now and she'd slotted in with the close knit group straight away, finding someway to bond with each and every member of the team. She'd always been kind and sweet to Spencer, teasing him occasionally and then later, flirting with him the way she did with Morgan and Rossi. Yet he never responded to it. They'd grown closer over the two years, sharing jokes and even the odd deep and meaningful conversation, something which suprised him as he found it difficult to open up. Yet he found it easy with her. He always found her attractive, in more ways that just for her looks. That was the least important thing to Spencer. She had an attractive personality, although he would of course be lying if he said that he wasn't aware that she was considered a 'hottie'. Spencer generally considered most women to be out of his league and with Y/N he never for once even considered that she'd have the slightest interest in him as anything other than a friend and colleague.

Yet they'd been sat together moments ago with her telling him she liked him, properly liked him. And that she wanted to do something about it if he did.

Which of course he did, once he had gotten over his initial disbelief that this wasn't a dream. How was he going to do this though? He wasn't used to dating girls, or flirting with them. He didn't know how this worked, not really. But as she'd said, it wouldn't really be that different from what they were already doing. Except there'd be kissing. And kissing sometimes led to other things, things which Spencer did not want to start thinking about right now. Especially not when he still had an image of Y/N in her bikini firmly ingrained on his mind.

No, he would sleep now and see how things were in a few hours. Perhaps Y/N would have come to her senses by then and would act like the conversation had never ever happened. He wouldn't blame her.

Or maybe... Maybe Spencer would have finally caught a break romantically.


When Y/N awoke again, she'd slept through her alarm and it was close to ten am. The sun was streaming through her blinds and she could already tell that it was going to be another scorcher of a day. Slipping her thin dressing gown on she wandered into the lounge area to see Spencer and Rossi there already, Spencer with a paperback in his hands and Rossi with the morning papers.

Reid glanced up at her and she smiled widely at him, putting all of his worries that the earlier conversation would be forgotten, at ease.

"Sleep well, bella?" Rossi called as she padded across to the coffee pot.

She shot another questioning look over to Spencer and he shrugged. Had it been Dave that had seen them last night? His tone did seem sightly different from every other morning when he'd asked her that.

It WAS Dave, she'd decided. Which meant they were safe from the teasing. Rossi enjoyed a joke as much as the next person but he wouldn't want to make either of them uncomfortable.

"Yes, I did. Thank you," she put emphasis on the thank you, brewing both Reid and Rossi fresh cups of coffee and taking them over before making one for herself. She grabbed a yoghurt out of the fridge and went to join the men on the couches, sitting next to Reid.

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