Chapter 4

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"Hello? Is anyone here?"

"What is your name.... dear girl.... could it be perhaps.... you are lost?" The voice sounded as if it came from a nearby tree; on one of the branches.

"Who are you? Show yourself!" Have to admit I was a bit uneasy about the situation, but I didn't want whoever was trying to talk to me to know that.

"Alice Kingsleigh. My name is Alice." I still didn't want whomever was addressing me to see my worry.
"Now you know my name, do I get to know yours?"

"I suppose...." and with that he showed himself.
He was pink and purple, his eyes large and icy blue. His tail... a tail? His tail was striped like the rest of his... fur, I guess that's what it was...

"You're... you're a cat!" I myself was rather surprised, I wasn't expecting him to be a cat.

"Actually... Dear girl.... my name.... is Cheshire..." His voice  was slow and drew out his words as much as possible.

"Now... dear girl.... you said your name was.... Alice? Are you..... THE Alice...?" He was twisting and turning in mid air, it was quite terrifying more than anything else.

"Well, my name is Alice, but I'm not sure if I am considered THE Alice." Standing warily, playing with the tips of my hair between my fingertips, I took a step back an examined a bit further the "Cheshire" that stood before me.

"Mhm...." He started. "Well.... you see.... there is this... legend... as some would say...--" Then he was interrupted.

"Cheshire!" A squeaky voice squealed from yet another unknown location. "What have I told you about talking to strange girls! You're going to scare the poor girl away!" I still had no clue where the voice was coming from.

"She is no... Strange girl.... you see.... she is.... Alice." Cheshire felt the need to explain himself further.

"Wha-" The squeaky voice stuttered. "What do you mean Alice? THE Alice?" I could see the doubt in her eyes, but I had no idea what the significance of being an 'Alice' was.

"Ask the Hatter..." Then he was gone into thin air, just as he had previously appeared.

   "Who's the Hatter?" I asked. Though my question was rather rudely ignored.

   "You cannot be the Alice. Every Alice brought into this world has been proven not to be the Alice. What makes you any different?" The squeaky voice ranted on and on to herself about the real Alice and how that can't possibly be me.

"How do you know who she is?" Yet another strange voice argued. What on Earth is going on? How come apparently every human that ever came here was named Alice? This is so confusing.

"All I know is that every girl you've brought here has been the wrong Alice!" The squeaky voice revealed itself; showing a white mouse, a little smaller than I am, a pink apron that covered her fuzzy white body, and a sword made of a sewing needle. Her big pink ears and glorious blue eyes were the main focus of her head, and her petite fragile body looked as if it would fall over attempting to hold her upwards against gravity's force.

The other, more harsh voice revealed himself as well. Though this was no petite mouse, but rather a man, whom looked almost like a circus performer in his awkward but somehow perfectly placed top hat, dark raggedy clothes that seemed to create a sharpish looking suit, and skin whiter than paper; almost ghost-like. He stood towering over the both of us, startling me into a jump and a small scream upon his reveal.

"Oh dear, how tiny you are. Much smaller than I expected...." The man's words drifted off into a haze; too low for me to hear the remainder of his sentence.

"That's because she drank the potion you big oaf!" The mouse screamed towards the huge man, trying to be loud enough to be heard. Quite frankly I had forgotten how small I was, everything seemed so unreal I guess it never registered.

"Don't yell at me!" The man stomped his feet as hard as he could against the dirt ground, causing an earthquake at our size.

   "Oh dear... I'm so sorry I was in my head again, I apologize. His actions turned from rage to remorse as he continued his apologies to the mouse.

   "It's alright Hatter, it's alright!" I didn't want to interrupt her calming the large man down, but I had a few questions.

   "Excuse me, I hate to be rude, but what are your names?" I heard the mouse call him "Hatter," but I wasn't sure if it was alright for me to call him that.

"See? She probably doesn't even know where she is!" I don't have any idea where I am, but I wasn't about to give any input there.

"Well keep discouraging her and she might leave!" He turned his attention from the mouse to me.

"Here. Before I explain, eat this." He handed me what looked like the same cake that read eat me on it from before. I took the cake, eating a little bit of the corner.

"Not a of it, you'll be huge!" He chuckled a little bit.

Growing a little bit more, a became the Hatter's height.

"That's a little better." The mouse said.

   "I'm Hatter, and this is Mallymkum. We call her Mal for short; her real mame is too much for one mouth to say." Then out of nowhere he burst out laughing, suddenly stopping after a few seconds and changing his face to be serious, more so than before.

   "Hatter.... Are you alright?" I asked with a sense of curiosity. I suppose I'm known for that where I come from.

   "Yes dear... He does that sometimes!" She laughed along with him and stopped as he did, I had no idea what's going on.

"Well never mind me; You are Alice, correct?" The Hatter was looking at me now.

"Yes." I simply answered. "Ali--"

"You must be confused, My Dear." The mouse said. "We will explain everything once we get back to the White Queen's Castle, but for now, we really must be going."

"But I haven't finished my tea yet!" The Hatter pointed to a table that lay around the bend of a bush.

"Hatter..." She used the voice a parent would as if scolding her child.

"Well fine. But if anything happens to my tea--" Hatter was rudely interrupted by a carriage leas by bunches of hounds and strange red walking playing cards with lances. The mouse dove into a nearby log; the Hatter reached to grab my arm but the lance had pierced my skin before he could lead me from the danger.

"Alice!" He yelled as I felt pressure build and build upon my wound. The lance that was inserted was twisted, sending shocks of excruciating pain throughout my ribcage, I could feel tears running down my face, escaping my body and relieving themselves of the pain in my chest.

But then it was pulled out, I felt more pain, then I felt my body lifted, only this and nothing more.


A/N: Im not done with my story

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