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[A/N: This is not edited and it's probably really shitty because I wrote it on mobile..]

"So how's your day off been so far?"

Calvin looked up, a fry between his fingers. "Good, I guess. All I've really done is sleep."

"That's good." The medicine they tested on the man had made it much harder for him to sleep so of course it was nice to hear that he was getting the sleep he needed.

"If you didn't work here, what would you be doing?" Oliver looked up at the younger man with an eyebrow raised.

"What's this about?"

"Dude, I'm just curious."

Oliver looked away in thought. What would he be doing? Would he be working for his father's company?
"I suppose I'd be either working for my father or as a therapist." He watched as Calvin took a bite of his fry, nodding at the other's answer. "What about you?"

Calvin paused for a moment, the question impacting his mind. He'd never really considered it. He didn't have any special talents like everyone else in life seemed to have. The most he could do is draw and he didn't even think he was good at that.

"I'm not really sure. I never really thought about it but then again, it's not like it really matters now."

Guilt. Oliver felt guilty. The fact that someone young and full of life like Calvin wouldn't really have a future other than swallowing pills and being injected with various substances. "I'm sorry, Cal. If I could get you out of here I would."

The younger man didn't reply and instead returned to eating the well deserved food from some fast food place and sipping the warm coffee next to him.


It was around noon when Calvin was walking the halls, enjoying his day off as best he could in a place this, that something - someone - collided with his body. He was knocked down onto the hard floor, his head smacking against the tile. Everything slowed down for a few seconds before the dizziness faded and he was left groaning in pain and staring up at a man who was currently offering him a hand.

He hesitantly accepted it and the man pulled him up easily. Calvin's head was pounding and he could almost hear his heartbeat echoing in his ears.

"Are you okay?" The man asked as Calvin leaned against the wall, hand covering the back of his head.

He could hear footsteps and a few people yelling and only when they were close did he realize that they were the staff.

The man was pulled away and led to a room that Calvin could only assume was what he was running from. It wasn't unusual for people to rebel against the staff, as he himself had taken part in doing so when he was denied his right to leave. Maybe this guy was new and hadn't given up yet, which was good in a way because this place was boring and definitely needed some fighting spirit within its cold walls.

The next thing he knew he was being led down a hall into a room by Oliver who had heard the commotion and peeked out his office window only to see Calvin leaning against the wall and holding his head.

"So what happened?" The older man asked, gesturing for him to sit on the stool near a bed so a woman, probably a nurse, could look at his injuries. He did so and flinched as the woman began to part his hair near the small bump on his scalp.

"I was walking around and some guy ran into me. That's all. I swear you act like I antagonize these things, I was just enjoying my day off."

"It wouldn't surprise me if you had. Then again, you hardly talk to anyone here besides me."

"That's because you hook me up with free food." The nurse behind him paused her actions and he assumed she was looking up at the older man.

"So Oliver, you have a favorite now?"

"Its not like that, Haley."

"What ever you say.." Calvin could hear the smirk and disbelief in her voice before she stood and retrieved an object from the small fridge in the corner of the room, her heels clicking along the cold floor.

"Here's an ice pack, it should help the swelling go down. Why don't you rest in here for a bit?"


Two days later when his days off had expired, he found himself once again sitting in the chair across from Oliver. To be honest, he hated these days. The ones where he was called down to his office before a test which meant it was something different or something  deadly.

"So you'll be in observation after you take this." He pointed over to a white capsule that was placed in a thin plastic cup. "You'll share a room with someone else who is undergoing the same test."

"What is it?"

"Well.." Oliver looked away. "That's where it gets a bit complicated."

"Do the staff here hate me that much that they are trying to poison me? I don't even interact with most of them, what the fuck?"

"No, Calvin. What I mean is.. It's an aphrodisiac."

Calvin blinked. "Can you speak English please?"

Oliver rolled his eyes. "It's.. A sex drug.. Like Viagra but a bit stronger."



"I'm not testing a fucking sex drug, Oliver! Just give me some drug that causes seizures, I don't care! This is where I draw the line!"

"Calvin.. You don't really have a choice." He kept his tone soft and even. He didn't want this to happen to him, but there wasn't much he could do about the situation. His boss would never listen to him.

Calvin was silent, not daring to look at the pharmacist across from him. In a way, he felt betrayed. Oliver had never pushed any drug onto him, only gently persuaded him despite knowing that there was a chance he would have a seizure. This time was different and soon enough Calvin felt reality setting in.

"I don't care, Oliver. I'm not fucking doing it."

"Cal-" He tried to reason but the younger man had already gotten up and slammed the door on his way out.


Of course it wasn't long until Calvin was pulled out of his room by the staff. He'd expected it and he knew he couldn't fight them all off but he still struggled against the grips on his arms.

Most of it was a blur of hands and faces as they dragged him off to a room and pinned him down until he finally swallowed the small, white pill. He didn't want to take it, but it's not like they would just leave. He would have to eventually anyway.

There was another man in the room who Calvin recognized from earlier as the guy that caused his slight head injury. He settled on his bed, his back facing the guy and curled in on himself. He hadn't expected the drug to work this fast, his body  feeling hot to the point where he was almost positive he was sweating. Blood rushed in his ears, his pulse was sped up and he was hard.

At this moment he cursed Oliver, knowing that the older man or someone else was watching his pathetic display through the cameras.

"Hey.. Are you alright over there?" He heard from the other side of the room. From the sound of his voice, he was probably taking this a lot better than Calvin was.

"I.. I'm fine.."

"You don't sound like it."

"Fuck off." He was gripping the sheets at this point, his body made far too sensitive.

Fuck you, Oliver.

"What's your name?" His tone didn't sound completely relaxed, but instead uncomfortable.


"I'm Ian."

After a few moments of silence he spoke again. "What if I told you I can make this a lot less uncomfortable for both of us?"

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