Chap. 2

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After History I had Algebra II with Tyler and Reina. Mrs Lebie reviewed what we had learned yesterday about exponential decay and then passed out review sheets. Mrs Lebie is one of my favorite teachers because she lets us talk as long as we're doing our work. Tyler, Reina and I took advantage of that and talked about what happened in history.

"That was hilarious" Tyler started the conversation. Reina who had started the sheet and was already absorbed in her work looked up a little confused.

"What was hilarious?" she asked. Then she realized we were talking about Morgan, "Oh, that."

"Honestly," I said, "I thought it was kinda funny."

"Mr Crowell kind of had it coming for him," says Tyler. "I mean when a student tells you to sit down you should not sit in the chair. I mean at least check for a pin or something."

"Yeah. I mean Morgan has a smile that should set teachers on high alert," says Reina. "And she is not one of the best actresses." Tyler and I nodded.

"He must have been really gullible or just really out of it today," I said. Then Reina laughed as a sudden thought came to her.

"Did you notice how he knew Momo's full name? He didn't take attendance."

"Yeah that was weird." I was going to ask how they thought he knew it but Tyler spoke up.

"Can you help me with number fourteen, Reina? I don't think this is right."

"Yeah, sure." and with that Reina and Tyler huddled together working on problem fourteen.

We worked on the sheet for the rest of the period without talking. When the period was over Mrs Lebie collected our work and dismissed us to go to lunch. Tyler, went to the third floor for his locker while Reina and I stayed on the second. Reina got pulled aside by one of her friends so I walked down to the cafeteria alone, to discover the ninth graders were still eating. This is a normal occurrence but infuriating nonetheless.

The ninth graders always literally eat right into our lunch time, and the lunch aids do nothing about it. So we have to wait outside the cafeteria and wait while the ninth graders finish their lunch and the lunch aids clean up the lunch room. This annoys more people than just me, though. One time Mr Pearson, our vice principal, had to come down here because of all of the students in our grade were chanting;

"Let us in! Let us in!"

And today was no different. By the time we had got into the lunch room and bought our lunches; we had missed a quarter of our lunch period.

Reina and I were the first two to get to a table and so we started talking. When Morgan finally sat down with the rest of us she grinned and said,

"So, what did you think?"

"That it was a childish prank. That you should've just let him sit down when he was gonna sit down. Momo, he knew it was you! "

"Reina, don't be so dramatic. I just put water on his chair. It's not that big of a deal." Reina just rolled her eyes and started to eat her food and read her book. Not wanting to upset Renia more, I mouthed to Morgan 'I found it funny,' which got a wink in response.

Tyler got off the lunch line and began talking to Morgan about her pranks, Renia is the only one, out of the four of us, who doesn't like them. But I think she enjoys them more than she shows. 

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