Chap. 6

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Reina POV

After being sedated in the van I woke up in what appeared to be a hospital room. It was all white with no windows, no clock, no way of telling what time it was, how long I'd been asleep, or where I was.. There was a door on my left and curtain blocking my view of the rest of the room on my right. I sat up and listened for movement on the other side of the curtain.

When I was sure there was nobody on the other side I slowly crept out of the white bed and made my way over to the curtain. Resisting the urge to tear the curtain back I peeked my head around the side. The other half of the room mirrored the one I was sleeping in; white walls, white tile floor, white bed. Lying in the bed was Momo. I noticed immediately her chest wasn't rising, so I pushed the curtain aside and rushed over to check for a pulse.

Ok Reina she has a pulse she's probably just not recovered from the sedative. Wait... where are the others?

I moved to the door on Morgan's side of the room. I peered through the small window to see Tyler sitting up in his white bed. I turned the doorknob and pulled but it didn't budge. I knocked on the door and waved trying frantically to get Tyler's attention.

He noticed me and jumped off the bed and came up to the door pulling it open. I practically tackled him to the ground with a hug.

"Reina, are you okay?" I finally let him go, giving him a sheepish grin.

"Yeah, sorry. I'm fine. I just- Momo hasn't woken up and I didn't know where you or Shane were and... I was scared."

"Hey it's okay. I'm ok." He let my words sink in before asking,

"What do you mean Morgan hasn't woken up?" I stepped out of the door frame showing him Morgans still motionless form on the bed.

"I found her like this about five minutes ago."

"Have you tried shaking her to wake her?"

"No, but I think she needs to wake up naturally. I don't want to mess with anything. If we could be woken up at anytime wouldn't they have done that once we got here?" Before Tyler could answer the curtain in his room was shoved aside.

"Nobody thought to wake me up?" I tackled Shane in the same rib shattering hug as I did with Tyler.

"Reina... need to... breathe," he wheezed from above me.

"Oops," I giggled and released him.

"She did the samething to me." Shane and I made our way to Tyler, who kept talking.

"Did you hear us talking about Momo?"

"Only the part about you finding her five minutes ago." Shane past Tyler and made his way into the room with Momo.

"Should we wake her?" I was about to explain to him my concerns but someone beat me to it.

"I wouldn't."

Another cliff hanger? Yes. lol the next part is up real soon. I'm in the mood to write!

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