Chap. 5

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Morgan POV

So Mr Bob sneaks into the second floor janitor's closet, that was last used by the dinosaurs, and we follow him in because he beckoned to us. Great plan right? In hindsight not so much.

So we open the door and we are hit with the smell of mothballs and dust and I immediately start coughing. The janitor's closet was very tight fit, what with five people and cleaning equipment that needed to be cleaned itself. The door closed with a loud 'thunk' behind us and we all jumped. Then our freaky friend Bob said,

"Good all four of you are here." I jumped again because, being me, I had forgotten he was here. Shane, who was always fast with his words, recovered fast and retorted,

"What the heck is that supposed mean? You sound like you're on a secret mission." Mr Bob rolled his eyes like he was expecting that, sighed and then said,

"It means what you think it means. What I'm about to tell you is for in a private setting."

"Hence the million year old janitor's closet," I muttered. Shane glared at me, but if Bob noticed he didn't show it because he just kept talking.

"I wanted to tell you that I have been studying you four."

Okay, I thought. Wait what!?! He's been studying us!?! Reina and Shane were whispering to each other in a quiet conversation. I gasped at Bob and Tyler had turned around and was opening the door to leave. I grabbed Tyler before he could leave and said,

"You've been stalking us? You've only been here for a day? And now you're telling us? Why? Who are you? What is your real name? You're obviously not a high school substitute teacher named Bob." Shane nodded toward Reina and Reina said,

"Wait. Shane said you sound like you're on a secret mission... are you part of the FBI?"

"Close but no cigar. To answer your questions my real name is Viktor Jackson and I am not a high school substitute teacher."


"I am the head of a special spy unit."

"You expect us to believe that? And even if we did that still doesn't explain why you've been 'studying' us." Shane put air quotes around the word 'studying'.

As Shane said that I looked over at Tyler, who I was still holding back from the door, and saw the gears in his head turning. Suddenly Tyler turned to face Viktor.

"Unless you wanted to... nevermind." Reina, suddenly intrigued, asked,

"Tyler are you implying that you think Mr Jackson wants us to..." she leaned in and whispered the last part in his ear. Tyler nodded and my gears started turning.

What would Tyler think impossible that the head of a spy unit would want us for... Oh.

"Okay I'm gonna say it." Shane says. "Viktor are you asking us to join your spy unit?" Viktor nodded.

"Yes I am. You all have certain pr- qualities that I could use."

As I was thinking Reina leaned into Tyler and Shane and whispered something. They nodded and Shane asked Viktor about the qualities we had. While he was distracted Reina leaned into me and whispered

"I think he might have hit his head. We should take him to the nurse." At first I didn't understand but Reina made the 'crazy' motion by her ear and pointed to Viktor. That cleared everything up.

Then I said,

"Guys, I believe him. I don't know why but why else would he tell us this stuff." Turning to Viktor I added, "I'll come with you, and I bet the rest of them will follow."." Viktor nodded and said

"Okay." We walked out of the janitors closet and turned towards the nurse's office. Viktor followed us but it wasn't long before he noticed what we were doing.

"Oh dear, I was afraid of this. I can assure you I am not crazy."

"Of course you are not crazy," said Reina. "We just want to go this way." Viktor shook his head and said,

"Really don't want to do this but if you're not going to come with me nicely..." He pulled a walkie-talkie out of his pocket and muttered something into it. Five seconds later four more men appeared, each holding a potato sack.

One man was on me in a second and all I could see was darkness.

I'm being kidnapped! I should do something.

I started to struggle but soon gave up because the man holding me was way too strong. I hear a few others kicking but they soon give up too.

I hope my English teacher doesn't expect a late pass... 

Oooh cliffhanger! 

Lol I have a bunch of crap coming up so idk when I'll update again.

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