Chap. 4

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Unnamed Prisoner POV

I know too much. I know their plan. I know who, what, how, where and when. If they knew that I know about their plan I don't know what they'll do but I know it'll be bad.

I have to calm down. They have trained me to have a mask over my emotions and to keep it on at all times. Now that is important. If I let my mask down, they will find out and then I will disappear and no one will know why, and no one will ask.

I breath in and out slowly. I can't panic, at least on the outside. Finally I am calm enough to leave my room and face everyone else. Suddenly I tense up and look to my watch. I let out a sigh of relief as I notice I'm not late, yet. I pick up my pace slightly, because I can't be late again. I as I walk I let myself get lost in my worrisome thoughts once more.

I have to find a way out of here. Get myself transferred to a different unit, far far away from this place. But then what? No no no. Focus on the bigger problem, getting out.

I check my watch again, praying I have enough time, and letting out the sigh of relief I didn't realize I was holding in. As I near my destination I slow to a casual pace, like I left my room right on time and that I didn't rush down the maze of halls to get there on time. Especially now, I can't do anything that will make me suspicious. Maybe I'm overthinking this and I'm being too cautious, but my grandfather taught me early that it's better to avoid an empty hole than walk unprepared into a fox's den. 

So this is super short sorry! Anyways I'll be throwing in random chapters from the "unnamed prisoner"'s POV. You'll meet him eventually though. 

BTW: he's not a prisoner in this one. sorry if that's confusing

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