The Friend

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The limo was slowing down and I hurried to pack my things into my bag before it came to a complete stop, pausing briefly to peer out the tinted window. I scanned my surroundings and quickly found the 02 , I mean it was hard not to find it, it was practically right in front of me and it was HUGE. I mean not just as in 'oh wow that's big' huge but jaw-dropping, full on pause for ten seconds huge. I gulped.

"We are here, my lady" My driver called.

"Yeah I can see that" I snapped. I regretted it almost immediately.

"Of coure you can My Lady" I grimanced at his tone.

"I'm sorry, I'm just so stressed you know?"

He smiled and looked at me through the car mirror.

"Don't worry about it madam"

"Thanks" I grinned in relief and started to get out. I looked back.

"Oh and please just call me Chelsea" I said.

"Of course Chelsea"

I smiled and closed the door before starting to jog forward, I was late.

"Thanks, Phil!" I called, turning to give him a quick qave. He waved back and then pulled away.

I was actually seriously relieved that he was being so nice, most of my limo drivers were uptight and serious, it was nice to find a friendly one once in a while.

Speaking of up tight I glanced down at my outfit - tight black trousers with a crisp white shirt and pin-striped blazer to match. I wrinkled my nose in disgust, it was the outfit my uncle had picked out for me, assuring me that I would 'fit in with the crowd while looking smart and sophisticated at the same time'. I was pretty sure he was lying but I had no choice it was either this or another night sitting in my bedroom wondering what the hell to do with myself. And I had done way too much of the latter recently.

I pulled off my blazer and shook my hair out of it's tight bun, shaking the long golden locks so they fell on my shoulders,  framing my thin face perfectly. I stuffed the blazer into my black leather shoulder bag (the only part of the outfit I was actually happy with) and pulled out my favourite black jacket. I quickly wrapped it round my shoulders, shivering in the cold night air

I hurried up the steps - I know my uncle would find out about the outfit switch sooner or later but I didn't really care that much, I was always in trouble for something or other these days. I mean he didn't really think I would go and see my idols in a blazer, did he? A blazer for God Sake.

I sighed and focused on just getting to the front doors without anyone coming up to me and asking why I turned up for a dance show in a limo. You'd forgotten about that haven't you? Of course I didn't want to go in a limo, unfortunately my uncle made me, it was one of the conditions he set in return for letting me buy the tickets. My uncle is so strict, appearance means everything to him and the owners of Tech C's niece just simply wasn't allowed to go on public transport. The thought made me cringe every time.

I walked up to the entrance gate. I could smell the salty air rolling of the River Thames and hear words of snippets of various conversations from those around me; 'Did you hear...', '...wonder why he did that, I know that my son would never...', 'Yes Diversity that's right, I heard that...' I froze mid-stride and homed in on their conversation;

"Yeah, thats right I heard that too. A shame isn't it?"

"Oh yes, and of coure they must all be so upset..."

The noise drifted away as the couple moved further up the stairs. A shame? What was a shame? It sounded like they were talking about all of Diversity rather than just one. I decided it wasn't worth the thought and hoped it wasn't important.

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