The Fall

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When I had found Natasha (crying in the girls bathroom) I quickly calmed her down and then sat her back down in the loby. I think she'd had enough excitement for one day.

"Have you got your phone?" I asked, once I was sure she was settled. She nodded slowly and pulled a cheap nokia from her pocket.

"Ok, I want you to call your Dad and ask him to come and get you so he can take you to the seating area alright? He is here, right?"

She shook her head again.

"What?! He just let you come here all alone?!!" I exclaimed. I was furious, this girl was obviously extremely fragile, weak and prone to panicking and her farther had just let her go to a three hour show that was bound to get her worked up?!

"Ok" I said, "Ok" I tried to slow my breathing and calm down as Natasha was looking very taken back and a bit frightened, which I definitely didn't want.

"Right" I said, trying to figure out what to do next. I needed to go back and get my programme signed by the other Diversity members but I knew I coudn't just leave her, I didn't know what she would do. Suddenly a thought popped into my head.

"Right, ok, listen carefully" I crouched down so I was squating in front of her; "I want you to stay right here while I go and tell Jordan your ok, are you alright with that?" She nodded, I had the feeling she was perfectly fine with that. I quickly got up and starting to jog down the hall.

"I'll be right back!" I called over my shoulder. As I made my way down the corridor I tried to sort out my thoughts, my head was just a jumble of disconnected puzzle pieces, that no matter how hard I tried, I just coudn't piece together. Perri coudn't have possibly given me his number, could he? I mean he was so mad about the programme...and then there's that thing with Jordan, did I actually just hug him? Did his brother actually just invite me to Danceworks? And then of course there was Natasha...In my cloud of thoughts I didn't notice a large shape running out of the double doors, just as I was about to go through.

Maybe thats why I ran head first into it.

"Ow" I mumbled, clutching my head, it was throbbing a bit, but apart from that I was fine.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry, I was just-wait, Chelsea?"

Who's do you think it is?? Comment below ^.^
P.s I'm so sorry it's such a short chapter it was originally joined to the next chapter but I thought this was better, I hope you don't mind!

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