The Meeting

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We were running down a small, narrow corridor when we suddenly came out into a bright room. The walls were a deep red and the carpet was thick and lush. It was also stuffy and loud, crowded with people and a feeling of a dream like quality that was sewed around the room like a secret thread that was a vital piece in the rich tapestry that lay before us. I could hear the distant chatter of excited voices, uncontrolled words tumbling from peoples mouths, rushing down likes waves upon a well beaten shore. Everyone was moving about, hurrying to meet their favourite in the pack. There were so many people I couldn't even see the boys from where I was standing. But I stood still and dropped my head to the floor, careful not to make eye-contact. I couldn't move or speak, my throat felt like a steel hand had gripped it and refused to let go. I couldn't move, the fear of falling or tripping prevented that from happening. And I just couldn't let that happen, making such a fool of myself was not acceptable. Suddenly the need to be the centre of attention was gone and my confidence drained away, just like the colour in my face.

I felt a tug on my arm, a small one then a larger one. Then I heard a pleading voice, coming from my right;

"Chelsea? Chelsea! Please answer"

"Sorry, what?" I asked, spinning my head round in a confused state.

"Are you ok? You kind of blanked out...I thought you were going to collapse or something"

"I'm fine, I'm fine, just wow"

"I know" She breathed, letting the words out in one long whoosh of air.

I took a deep breath slowly lifted my head, figuring I would have to look sometime. Big mistake. My knees buckled and I nearly went down but I grabbed onto Natasha's stony arm and managed to keep steady.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" I whispered and raised my head again slowly to examine Natasha's face to see if she was staring at the impossible scene before me, just like I was. I spared her a fleeting glance before staring ahead again. She was. I couldn't believe it. They were all here, I could see them now the crowd had cleared. Jordan was leaning back on his chair, trying to look cool and relaxed. Pel was in the corner laughing at someone and clutching a birthday card in his 'little girl hand'. As I slowly slid my eyes along the table I discovered Mitch, looking at himself in his phone screen, practising his pouts. I smiled. It was perfect...but wait, where's Ashley?

That was when I heard it. A gasp, a sharp intake of breath. The sound was coming from beside me. I turned;

"Natasha what's the ma-"

I stopped in shock as I realised what she was gasping at. It was a perfectly good reason because, standing in front of us, was no other than the big man himself. Ashley Banjo was standing just to the side of us, next to Natasha, smiling slightly at her awed expression. He was wearing a green cammo top, black jeans and on his head he wore one of his famous Diversity caps. My eyes slowly moved to his face to reveal warm brown eyes and his two perfect eyebrows bunched together to produce a concerned expression. He was just...just...Dam. I grabbed Natasha's arm; "Not fine, not fine!"

Ashley chuckled, "Sorry if I startled you, I was just wondering if you were ok, you looked like you were going to faint or something" He said, still smiling a little at Natasha's facial expression.

"Well what do you expect?! Seriously Ash, do you do that often? Your gonna give someone a heart attack one day and, personally, I don't think that would be too good for business" I said, straightening up and trying to reach his level, which is hard considering your opponent is the definition of giant.

Ashley laughed, a deep laugh that made me smile just because of the sound. In the background I heard a higher pitched laugh, more like a giggle. I looked around, surprised and realised with horror that everyone was staring at us, and I mean everyone. The parents, the teenagers, even the screaming kids had shut up and were looking at us with mild interest. Wow, I guess Ashley didn't move that often, either that or people aren't usually so idiotic that they practically faint at the sight of them. Probably the fainting thing.

I spotted the source of the noise; it was Perri sitting on a small plastic seat at the end of the table. As I looked at him he smiled and gave me a thumbs up. I smiled and turned away before I got too entranced by his bewitching beauty.

"You know you could give Perri a run for his money" Ashley said

I blushed "I doubt that"

"Trust me " He winked,  " Your definitely less annoying"

"I heard that!" Perri called across the room.

I bet everyone did, I thought to myself.

I laughed though, I couldn't help it, it was just so adorable. Ashley just shook his head, I guess he was used to it.

"So, what's your name?" Ashley asked

"Erm.... would you wait a minute?"

"Er, yeah sure, why?" Ashley asked, the poor thing looked really confused.

"This" I said. I was sick of everyone staring at me. I've had enough of that in the last four weeks for a lifetime. "Erm, excuse me, everyone? But you've paid to meet Diversity and have your programmes signed, so why exactly are you all listening to other peoples private conversation?"

There was a stunned silence, the noise of the outside world drifted in and invaded the room. Then the hustle and bustle started again, people turned away and turned their attention to the other, more important, people in the room. Voices rose, chatter started, I heard a laugh, a question and eventually normal order was restored. I sighed a sigh of deep relief; I really hope I hadn't offended anyone. I turned to Ashley;

"I'm really sorry about that, I just get annoyed when people look at me, it makes me feel uncomfortable"

Ashley stared at me for a few seconds, I got a bit worried, was he angry? Maybe he thought I actually was being really rude. I was about to apologise again but more sincerely when he suddenly burst out laughing, leaning back and clutching is stomach with his large hands. I'm not lying when I say tears were streaming down his face;

"That was the funniest thing I've ever seen! And I spend six hours a day around Perri"

He wiped the tears away and stopped laughing.

"Oh God, that's made my day. You sure have nerve, you should come and visit dance works sometime, you and Pel would make a super duo"

"Oh my God, thank you so much, that would be great! But can Natasha come too?" I asked, I couldn't leave her out of such a big opportunity.

Ashley looked a bit confused for a second then remembered I didn't come alone.

"Oh no, it's ok Chelsea. Have fun" Natasha said, she seemed a bit embarrassed at being mentioned.

"You awakened then?" I laughed.

"Not my fault, you're hogging the limelight!" Natasha replied, smiling and jabbing her finger accusingly. Ha ha ok maybe not as embarrassed as I thought.

"Right ok then, I'll do something about that, I will put you in the spot light of your favourite person"

"Wait, what?"

I turned back to Ashley.

"Ashley, me and Natasha will come and visit dance works together sometime really soon, is that ok?" I said impatiently.

Ashley seemed a bit bemused for a second then replied, " Yeah of course, come round anytime"

"Right!" I said and started to drag Natasha across the room. I was careful not to look back otherwise I would probably see a very rejected-looking idol.

"Wait Chelsea! I won't be allowed you know that" Natasha called as I strode forward determinedly.

"I'll figure something out, I can be a pretty good persuader" I said. I looked back at her; "As you well know!"

"Oh, be quiet" She said, giggling.

Suddenly we were at our destination, In front of us was a person concentrating very hard, head down, scribbling away at a programme, holding a silver pen in his tanned hand. His skin was a soft caramel, and on top of his head sprouted a full-blown, very fluffy Afro.

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