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Title: Just A Fiery Red Head With More Issues Than Five Mental Hospitals

POV: Annabella

Day(s) of the week: Tuesday and Wednesday morning


"Annabella!" Maria, or as I like to call her, the Prison Warden, called. Or just Warden. Whatever fits best.

"Yes, Warden?" I faked politeness.

"The guests are here!" In other words, people who want to adopt nice girls and boys so I'd better be on my best behavior. Everyone here hates me because I'm the oldest. This home only allows children up to 16 years old. Two more years and I'm off to live somewhere else. Not really. I'm escaping tonight. I gave the Prison Warden her name because this place was as heavily guarded as a prison. The children are all troublemakers, but the public doesn't know that. I'm the worst of the worst and I'm proud.

"Oh the joy," I mumbled and walked ever so slowly down the stairs just to annoy the evil lady awaiting. I put on the least convincible fake smile I could muster and looked at all the adults here. One really tall guy stood out. Oh my Chuck. Is that? No. It can't be him. Why would he come here? Then another person moved and I saw another tall man. Not as tall as the other but still. It is. The other guy confirmed my suspicions. My two favorite actors in the entire world were here. Why here? There's nothing special here. "You called, Prison Warden?" Sarcasm dripped from my voice. That got everyone's attention. All heads snapped to my direction. She fake laughed and walked over to me with a warning look on her face. I smirked at her. She put a hand on my shoulder.

"You should really show me some more respect in front of the visitors. Hopefully you'll get adopted so you won't be my problem anymore." She said through her teeth.

"Why would I do that? After all, I'm just a fiery red head with more issues than five mental hospitals." I smarted off, louder than necessary. I heard bits of laughter from the people around me.

"Well, I'm so sorry you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, dear. Take your place in line."

"Sure thing, sweetheart." I winked at her in a sarcastic manner and went to my place.

"Now. Everyone say you're name, age, and describe yourself." We had lined up by age so I was the last.

"Hi, I'm Annabella. I'm fourteen and I haven't done enough good to outweigh the bad, so why would God get me out of this hell hole? So I really just don't see the point." The other children all laughed.

"Annabella, would you help me go get an extra chair?"

"No." She wouldn't take that for an answer so she dragged me in the direction where the extra chairs were. "Unhand me, Prison Warden! Rape!" I yelled. Everyone in the room chuckled and I was satisfied.

"I really want to get rid of you! Don't you want out of here?!" She asked once we were out of the room.

"No one would adopt someone my age."

"Then why don't you just off yourself?" She knows I have insecurities. Why would she say that? It's on my record that I've attempted suicide more than once.

"That would bring you happiness. I want to make your life a living hell. And I don't look like you so that's one less reason to try and kill myself." She grabbed a chair and threw it at me to carry. I obliged and walked back into the main room with a smug look on my face. The chair was for her so I threw it down on the ground and went back to my spot in line.

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