XCIX Poem Challenge--25--Choka

76 2 4

Choka is an extended version of Tanka, which is similiar to Haiku. It is consisted of 5-7 units that are repeated at least twice. The poem concludes with 5-7-7. 

Red moon in the sky

A backdrop of darkest night

 Apocalypse starts

 With its cruel reign of terror

The accursed time

 When waves of mass destruction

 Meets impending doom

First a timorous whisper

 Carried by the breeze

Dispersing several seeds

 Like dandelions

 A mighty roar, flowing mane

 Now it’s in full bloom

 Ravaging the dirt-packed earth

Uprooting all plants

 Left are few scorched, empty plains

Visages: lost world

 Too late, too late but

Beware of the elements

 That once breathed life in this world

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