Image 1 Part 5

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Image 1    Part 5

Months of training went by and I had found myself happier than before. I was accepted to become an Avenger and today was my first mission. Me and Steve are to clear the area where HYDRA kept me. We are to get all patients and kill all the HYDRA men.

After I healed physically, I told Steve that I had met Bucky, immediately he wanted to go to the base where I was kept in to find his long lost friend. I however, needed to train and do with that I trained my butt off while also keeping the Tower clean just like before.

I still have a few scars but who doesn't?

Steve snaps me back into place when we land at the base.

"Ready?" He calls, adjusting his shield on his arm.

"I was ready as soon as I was healed. Let's kick some ass!" We run into the field and kill all those who get in our way. We get into the experimentation room where memories flood my mind but unblock then out and focus on the people we are saving. I haven't shifted into any animal yet because I don't need to but as soon as I saw Bucky blocking our way into the room, I shifted into a white tiger.

"Ah, hey Shey, nice to see you again. I see you brought us your boyfriend, an I have your boyfriend's friend." I recognized the voice and snarled. It was the master who was directly behind us.

He walked to the front, where Bucky was and we kept our stance.

Steve sent me a slight hand flick and I growled in response. It was the code that I will attack the weaker one and he will get the bigger one. Bucky was for Steve and the master was for me.

Me and Steve circled them, allowing their guard down. Then I pounced, and swiftly killed the master. It didn't even take effort; however, Steve had trouble with Bucky.

"Steve! What do you need?" I call out still in my tiger form. I can speak human and animal in both forms, I learnt the second day of being healed.

"I need wings!" He yelled. I decided to turn into an eagle to use the claws and if he hurt me in this form I'd heal within seconds, another thing I learnt that day.

I lifted Bucky off the ground and dropped him into Steve where he knocked him out.

"Good job Sheylyn. Now, I need speed."

I nod and change into a cheetah and Steve puts on a saddle into my back. He soon grabs everyone he can and drops them into my saddle, most are teens or close to their twenties. Light for Steve, a bit heavy for me when you add about five to my back.

Steve grabs the rest and carries them out. He gently drops them on the ground and I run to the ship, dropping five off at a time then coming back for more.

Eventually it's down to one other, Bucky, and Steve that I need to pick up. I run over and grab the kid and Steve protects me while killing all who dare to come close. When we get near the ship, I hear a loud bang and feel pain run through my back leg. I growl out in pain and make it to the ship and we fly off, blowing the ref of the base to bits.

"Sweetheart, are you okay?" Steve asks worryingly while driving the ship.

I stay in the cheetah form and wait for the tingling sensation of healing to come. After a second, when I'm starting to heal I answer, "Just been shot, I'll be healed before we get to the edge of the forest."

"Geez Shey! You gotta be careful!"

"I was, just had my mind on these poor souls." I whisper.

He doesn't answer and just looks to the twenty we had grabbed. I care for their wounds as best I can, and after the fifth one I can't any more. I faint at blood so it was a victory for me to get five done.

"Steve, can you take care of them? I can't anymore." I ask feeling sick.

"Yup, here steer." He says and hands over the wheel.

When we get back, the nurses and doctors take the patients and care for them. Me and Steve go to the main living room where the whole team waits with Hercules waits on the tv. 

"Hey there you are! Did you get Bucky? Good, now let's start!" Tony exclaims.

"He's in the basement. We'll talk to him in the morning and help him get his memories back." Steve announces.

Me and Steve cuddle and watch the movie in bliss silence.

When the credits start to roll, Steve insisted to wait and as soon as it gets to the 'special thanks to:' there is a message that looks like it doesn't belong. Another song plays in the background and the message opens on the screen. There in bold letters stands:
Sheylyn; my love, will you marry me?

I turn to Steve in shock and smile. "Yes! A million times yes!"

Everyone cheers while we kiss and I can hear Tony mutter, "So no one is going to thank me for editing the movie for Steve and Shey?"

~End Image 1~

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