Image 4: Part 2

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Image 4:  Part 2

We've only ever met twice and so it was kinda awkward and scary to tell him what had happened, but it all turned out fine since he lent us his horses, me shifting into one myself so I didn't have to ride one.

Gandalf had left us and we traveled through the forest in a daze.

Soon Bilbo had summoned the spiders and I tried to warn them away, but the forest is fogging out the animal side of me, so it comes out half spider and half human talk.

Not seconds later after I attempted to talk to the beasts did I get caught up in their webs and was rolled up into a cocoon.

After a few minutes we were free but only for a second as the Elves had found us.

Everyone was put into cells except for Thorin.

Now that my mind was clear I tried to change into a black bear so I could get myself out but alas; these were forged by the elves so it was no use.

Then we were put into barrels which I told the dwarves and Bilbo that I could just swim myself as a mermaid or some sort of fish but they won the argument.

There were lots of orcs attacking and we got caught up; having no way out. The only way was to pull a leaver which Kili got out to get but got shot with a black arrow.

We kept going, outrunning the orcs for at least two to three hours.

"Kili! Are you okay?" I ask, seeing him in pain.

Thorin shoved me away from him, "Of course he is not! But we must keep moving! Kili," he turned to the said man-er dwarf- "Can you walk?"

Kili nodded slightly then me and Fili picked him up, but he pushed us away claiming he was fine.

"Kili, let us help you." I spoke softly and quietly fearing the dwarf king and his nephew's reaction.

"I said I'm fine!" He whisper yelled making me back away.

We found a boatman to get us to Laketown.

We were shoved into barrels once more and we were crowded by fish.

We got in, then we had gotten into Bard's home. We needed weapons and had to steal them so some of us (not me because I'm a woman therefore I cause more trouble) left to 'borrow' the Lakeman's swords.

I had heard a commotion outside not five minutes later and had found that the company had been caught stealing. Thorin had spoke out of it well and soon we were celebrating.

The company were given very nice and heavy clothing then we were given wine and food.

Me and the boys were currently watching everyone get drunk since I couldn't drink (I wasn't of age plus I don't care for it) and the boys didn't want to drink if I couldn't.

"Go, get some wine or rum. Get drunk, you deserve it. Plus it might get your mind off of some things and weaken your pain." I referred to Kili.

They left and another replaced them, "Hey ya sweet thang..." the man was obviously drunk and his breathe stunk.

He put his arm around me and I tried to scoot away but his hand gripped tighter around my shoulder, "Hey babie, why ya try an going ta scooch away?"

I didn't look at him, "Please don't put your arm around me."

He put up his hands up but smiles drunkily, "Awe come on babie! You know you want mae!"

I look down and shake my head, "I-I have a boyfriend." Lies, I WISH I had Kili as my boyfriend but...

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