Image 3 Part: 2

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Image 3      Part: 2

We ran as fast as we could, and thanks to me, the wind was pushing us faster along the forest line. "There we can be safe!" Gandalf yelled as we neared a large barn and house, largely gated.

We ran, and my energy drained fast, due to me using my powers, "Bilbo! I can't any longer!" I shouted.

"Keep going halfling!" Thorin yelled at me. I pushed my abilities to my limit and we entered the building. I fell as soon as I knew we were safe from the beasts chasing us.

I fell to the ground and let it embrace me, the earth covering me like I was its own. I fell asleep right after.


"Shey?" Bilbo asked her sleeping form and sighed in relief but exhaustion.

"Where is she? I must speak to her! She has lots to explain!" Thorin boomed and Bilbo bubbled in fury.

"Let her rest! She is drained from energy and is refuelling!" He yelled back.

Thorin squinted at the hobbit, "What do you know of her past and present? What is she and her abilities? Do tell young Baggins."

Bilbo gulped nervously, "I will only tell you what I know she wouldn't mind me telling. Other things she will have to tell you herself."

They all gathered, and waited for a story. Bilbo started, "No one interrupts, no one." They all nod, and he takes in a deep breathe. " She was brought to me by her parents, and I was only turning ten, very young to take in another person, and they told me to read this book they had given to me along with their two year old daughter. I never saw their faces, and before I had a chance to even ask questions, they were gone, vanished with the wind.

I grew up memorizing Sheylyn's species, her abilities, and her personalities. I read the book billions of times, and helped her with her difficult tasks of learning her powers. You must all know, that the Terraqua Aerignis' were meant to be raised by their own kind, which is important at a young age. Sheylyn, at the age of ten, had a sudden burst of power. She had opened her doors to her inner self and she was overwhelmed with power that could kill. I helped train herself, and we grew up making sure to keep it hidden.

I had them taught her about her own kind and she had questioned why she was even here since her species had died out right after the rings were made, right when Middle Earth was born. I had no idea, so we searched and-" Bilbo was cut off by Kili asking a question.

"Did you find out why?"

Bilbo gave him a stern look and shook his head, "We didn't find our answers searching. The answers came to us by Sheylyn. She will tell you that part, but after we found out, we had noticed that our years were slowed down and I had to question why. I'm a normal Hobbit but Shey is a mixed breed of human and a Terraqua Aerignis-who are like hobbits but more like wizards and elves combined- and we realized that Shey had the ability to slow our years of aging. She did this by healing our cells over and over again by holding my hand while she gathered energy from Middle Earth itself.

And there is more, but I fear I cannot tell you. Sheylyn must tell you the rest." Bilbo sighed and stroked Shey's hair which had been turned to moss from the earth.

"Is she dangerous?" Thorin asked.

"Oh don't be rediculous Thorin! But she can be when she is mentally unstable and in the hands of the wrong people. That is why she must keep it all a secret." Gandalf exclaims.

They all stare at the lump of Earth covering Sheylyn and their hearts fill with pride, having a dead species in their presence. Thorin' heart fills heavy as he rewinds and thinks over his words, he wishes to take them back and apologize. He wishes for so many other things but at the top of his head, he wishes he wasn't so blessed to be The One to a Terraqua Aerignis.

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