Image 3: Part 4

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Image 3:     Part 4

I stop dead in my tracks and turn to see his blank face, full of the sickness. I run to my room and cry, knowing I can't do anything anymore. I can't talk to my family and friends, I can't even be with Thorin because I know where the Arkenstone is.

Someone knocks at my door and I ignore it, knowing it wouldn't be Thorin and therefore I can't talk to that person.

They let themselves in anyways, and I notice it's Dwalin. "Go away, please. I can't speak to you."

He sighs, "I know. That's why I'm here."

I look up, all teary eyed, and see his soft expression.

"Look, Sheylyn, this dragon sickness controls the king. He doesn't mean what he says, I'm sure this will all blow over in no time." His face shows doubt and concern which I find shocking from the mocho dwarf.

"What are you trying to say?" I sniff out.

He sighs once more, "What I'm trying to say is-" he was cut off by Thorin rudely stomping in and dragging me out the door.

"Thorin! Stop, your hurting me!" I yelled, being dragged. He was clutching onto my injured wrist and was creating a bigger bruise than before.

"What did I tell you?" He shouts, still holding me.

"Stop!" I don't answer him and he brings my face towards his, fury and madness clear in his features.

"What. Did. I. Tell. You?" He asks slower now and in a deathly tone.

I don't answer, I just try to wriggle my wrist free, and this makes him madder.

"Tell me!" He shouts and I whimper in pain.

Bilbo's voice suddenly stops Thorin, "Hey! What do you think you are doing?"

This brings attention all around, and all the dwarves are now gathering to see what's going on.

"I am asking her why she disobeyed me, burglar." Thorin spits out.

"Let the lass go, Thorin. She injured her wrist a while ago, and you can see your hurting her." Balin confronts, getting in Thorin's face.

"I am the king! I can do what I want!" He yells, letting go of my hand to grab his sword.

I run free to Bilbo and he hugs me, while I sob into his chest.

"You are no king if you treat a lady like that, Thorin." Balin states.

Thorin looks around hazily, and mutters a few colourful words then shouts, "Find the Arkenstone! Now! Do I make myself clear?" He looks directly at me when he said the last sentence.

"Shey, hey look at me," Bilbo softly asks. I do as he says and he sighs, "Go rest. Lock your door if you must, but please rest and get your energy. Don't worry about Thorin, just please be safe." I nod shakily and go outside, where I get energy and sleep for a few hours, unharmed.


"Are you mad?!" Balin questions the so called king, angrily.

"She disobeyed me." Thorin states, still foggy of the sickness.

Balin gets in Thorin's face, "Your grandfather was never this sick. You need to straighten out or I'm getting either Kili or Fili to overthrow you. You hear?"

Thorin turns and mutter more colourful words and then gets lost in the gold. Until his nephews arrive.

When they do, Bilbo tries to warn them to leave, that they should all leave, but they find the king before he could say anymore.

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