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The heroine of this story made her first appearance in book three, Baby Kisses. She is Cecelia Brightman, the sister of Miles Brightman and sister-in-law of Tooty, the stars of Baby Kisses. It was fun bringing her character to life.

Although born into wealth and privilege, she has never found the forever-after kind of happiness she seeks. She has devoted her life to helping others through charity work, but now at the age of forty-two, she can no longer continue along the same path. Much to the chagrin of her parents and friends, she leaves the trappings of wealth and follows her heart to the small town of Paxtonville in Colorado to be near her brother and his large family.

As for the hero of Christmas Kisses, he is new to the series and carrying baggage from a previous sorrow that almost destroyed him. However, I have a feeling Cecelia may be the perfect answer for Connor MacKenzie.

This story has been written specifically with Christmas in mind, so, of course, there are children involved. Some of the youngsters are new to the series; others are rejoining the ongoing saga. There is also a set-up for a possible romance between certain of the children when they are grown. For a series I once thought was over, I suddenly have all kinds of ideas for future books.

Merry Christmas,

Verna Clay


Romance on the Ranch Series:

Dream Kisses

Honey Kisses

Baby Kisses

Candy Kisses

Christmas Kisses

Rock Star Kisses

Forever Kisses

Forgotten Kisses

Angel Kisses

The Last Kiss (2017)

Christmas KissesWhere stories live. Discover now