Part Six: Little Jeannie

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Warm air licked the side of her cheek and down onto her chin as she felt herself awake from a wondrous slumber. Her eyes were not open, but she could tell that the sun had well lit the room and left gorgeous rays of sunshine upon the bed. Moving her arms just slightly, she realized she was laying on a snuggly, soft chest, and it was her man's.
She could feel the warm, inviting air on her chin again, and she opened her eyes. The bright light was blinding her, so she squinted to adjust to the sun. She found a warm yellow ray of sunshine across the beautiful man's face before her; his eyes tightly shut behind his long and lovely eyelashes. As he breathed, the air touched her chin while she gently laid upon his comforting chest. 
Looking around more as her eyes began to adjust, she couldn't help herself but to stare some more at his stunning beauty, radiating across the room like a blossoming flower in the sun. His lips were delicately soft, but they looked firm and strong. Especially his top lip, where two gradual curves met the skin between his lips and nose. He had a very adorable nose, small and rounded, and sloped upward ever so slightly. His baby nose matched his baby cheeks, which were also charmingly fat and round.
And then back to his eyes she stared, her soft gaze upon his calming, undisturbed eyes. When he slept, he was "so relaxing to look at", she thought. He breathed so lightly, you couldn't even tell he was there until the sheets upon his chest rose up and down, along with his patterned breaths.
The rays of the sun changed intensity as the light was hidden by a cloud. Elton sensed this, eyelids flinching, and he reluctantly opened them with all the effort it took in his body. He had been awoken from a dream.
Jeannie smiled, her eyes as docile as a big, blue, peaceful ocean.
"Good morning." She whispered, laying across his body and the blankets. They were both still naked.
Elton closed his eyes for a minute, taking a deep breath, and opened them again, just to find her gentle gaze still upon him.
"Good morning." He smiled back.
"Did ya sleep well?" She asked, watching him attempt to stretch his arms and legs out underneath her. To make it easier, she rolled off him and cuddled close beside his warm side.
"I did. I dreamt amazing things." Continuing to smile, he lifted up his arm and began to run his fingers through her luscious, dark hair.
"Well, I didn't dream," She wiggled her head up higher so he could reach her better, "But I slept real good."
Elton tilted his head down and gave her a kiss or two near her ears, just to make her feel even better. "Well... I'm exhausted." He started to yawn.
Jeannie began to realize that her lower area was sore from the night before, and that she may need some time to relax and recover before she did anything spunky later in the day.
"I was thinking..." He rubbed his eyes and then sat up a little more, still stroking each strand of her hair, "That we could soak in the tub sometime this morning."
"The bath tub? We would never-"
Elton began to chuckle and cover his eyes. "Hahaha, no darling, I meant the hot tub. I know we would never fit together in the bath!"
Jeannie was so excited. Just the answer she wanted to hear!
"I would love that." She blushed, holding his big arm near her chest. "But first, shouldn't we clean up this mess?"
Elton looked around at his bedroom with a bit of humorous shame. The used towel was still on the bed, halfway falling off the edge. His glasses were still somewhere on the floor, and he had just remembered that he needed to vacuum the room. He shuffled the sheets around a little to sit up and get a better look, when he also realized that he sheets were undoubtedly filthy. He didn't even want to lift the covers for a peek.
His chuckles turned into laughs as he pulled Jeannie up to sit beside him, staring at the pathetic scene in front of them. He couldn't get over how nasty they felt.
"Oh my!" Jeannie gasped when she figured out that they had been sleeping on a dirty towel. "We are pigs. Oh no." She even began to giggle herself.
Elton slowly dragged himself off the bed and over to the towel on the end and picked it up. Fortunately, it was dry, but it was still dirty.
"I'll put this in the wash, and-" He tugged on the blankets a little, and Jeannie got up off the bed. "I'll take care of these sheets."
As he went ahead and uncovered the mattress, collecting the blankets and sheets, Jeannie had found Elton's glasses on the floor, cracked and bent. They didn't look like they could be repaired.
"Elton?" She looked up at him with a concerned look. "I think ya broke your favorite glasses."
Elton stared back at her for a long minute, then walked over to her to gaze at the broken spectacles in her palms. Sometimes he felt like his glasses were his little babies.
"Wot? Damn, how did that happen!?" He put his hands to his face and gave a long, low sigh.
"I don't know, I guess maybe someone stepped on them last night when we were... you know." Jeannie smiled innocently, handing the glasses over to Elton.
"When we were a bit delirious, I know." He gave a slight grin, though he was still bummed about his glasses breaking. But he knew there was nothing to worry about since he could afford at least a 1,000 more of the same pairs!
Elton walked over to his nightstand and found another pair that would have to suffice for the time being. They were round as well, but not so circle-shaped. They were more of ovals, and had a darker tint to them. He had recently given away a whole collection of this clothes, including some of his funky glasses. So the plain black pairs would do just fine for him now.
"What's for breakfast?" Jeannie suddenly asked, helping Elton clean up the rest of the mess on the bed.
"Don't know, but I think the rest of the guys are downstairs. We could go out and eat together." He suggested.
"But... I look and feel like shit!" She snorted with a laugh, pointing to her hair that was ruffled and knotted in certain spots. Elton, on the other hand, did not have to worry about his hair. It was thin and whitish, and not only made him look more mature and sophisticated, but was a hell of a lot easier to maintain.
"Ahh, maybe put a comb through your hair. But wot, are you in pain?" He asked.
Jeannie smirked at him, giving him that "well dugh" expression, "Yeah, well... you didn't have a dick up you did you?" She laughed.
Elton flushed and turned his head, embarrassed that he had even asked. "I'm sorry! I thought you were enjoying it-"
"I was!" Jeannie exclaimed, walking over to him and laughing again. She looked up at him and smiled passionately, "Are you kidding? Can't you tell I orgasmed?" 
Elton scratched his head and then blushed, "Well I-"
"It's not a lot of pain don't worry Eltie. It's just a little sore. But it already feels a little better since I woke up. I'm fine." She desperately tried to hush him, knowing that he would go drastic measures to cure her pain. She wanted him to relax.
"Well alright. You liked it though, right?"
"Elton, yes, I loved it so much, you have no clue how..." She took a deep breath, "How fantastic of a lover you are." She put her arms around his waist and began to hug him, paying no mind that they still hadn't put their clothes on yet.
"Please don't ever change." Jeannie smiled.

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