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Even though it's been so long,
Your memories to me; still haunts.

I've accepted the fact,
Time has traveled far,
Priorities are shuffled hard,
Your mind only has a faded past,
And something is tearing us apart.

I can never forget,
How important you've been to me,
Still you are & may always be,
Even though to my locks you're the key,
I wish, you to leave.
Cause I can't detach you from me,
As always, help me with this.

I'm so grateful to you,
Can't even count, several things lay in queue.
I still respect you, and would continue to do,
For I can never escape the moments spent with you!

How's this?? An update after a long time!
So how's you all doing fellas, miss you all.😘
I'll be a good updater from 2k17 (Yeah! I mean it)

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