Redefining the frame of mind

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It is the need of the hour,
if you want to be safe under a bower,
Let those seedlings, newly born,
know the accurate use of their thorns.

If those thorns can attack,
they too have the ability to protect.
Give them your lens,
and show them their strength.
They must believe,
their duty is safety of the rest,
to be performed at its best.

Supply those roots, with such ethical manure,
And also the H²O of purity, without any failure,
that of dignity and respect they become not the player but Savior.

Before it takes the form of a sapling,
teach it the art of respecting,
Amending roots later isn't a practical thing.

Even if you do, the bad is already done,
the poor victim's heart is burnt!
You can heal the bodily wounds,
but when it comes to that scratched heart,
No medications can help that far.

What you sow, so shall you reap,
teach them to bow, and they'll bring a leap,
such that without any fear, this world will sleep.

Just as charity begins at home,
so do values and morals.
With a single step begins,
a journey of a thousand miles.
Come on! Now let's together redefine,
The frame of mind of mankind!


Feedback is most expected.
It comprises of Metaphor, I totally hope you'll unveil my thoughts that I wanna convey, even if one doesn't, don't feel upset and ask me without hesitation.

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