chapter 1

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You were walking along the familiar street of seoul to your home from college,hoping to make it before it starts raining. You looked up at the sky again,and saw dark,grey clouds that didn't let sunlight through. You shivered,continuing your way back,running instead of just walking.

You slowed your pace when you a certain cafe,looking around to find him.
There he was,at his usual place,playing his guitar and singing as he always does at this time. You didn't know his name or anything at all, you just knew that he's always there at this time to sing,and that his voice was beautiful,more beautiful than anyone.

Also he was  the cutest guy you have ever seen.

There was a small crowd around him and you made your way through to the front so that you could hear him better,not caring about the clouds anymore.He was singing,occasionally flashing his beautiful smile that made your heart flutter.

No,it didn't. Stuff like this only happens in stories. I just like to listen to him sing. You thought.

You were so immersed in your own thoughts you didn't realize he had stopped singing until people started clapping. You snapped out and started clapping as well.

He smiled shyly at the crowd,getting his black hair out of his face while mouthing "thank you"

He started strumming the guiter strings again,making a familiar tune. Your eyes went wide when you realized which song it was,"lost stars" by Adam levine,one of your favourites.

So he likes this song too! You thought,grinning. Nothing like finding out that ypur crush liked the same songs as you.

No. Not crush. I have better things to do.

"Please,don't see,just a boy caught up in dreams and fantasies..." his beautiful,soothing voice filled up the air.

"Please,see me..." before you knew you started singing along,audible enough for him and the crowd gathering around to hear.

You stopped,slightly scared of ruinning the moment. But he was looking at you, eyebrows slightly raised while he kept singing. He suddenly smiled between the lines and motioned for you too continue with him.

And now you were nervous. Voice slightly quivering, you started singing with him.
Barely audible at first,but the way kept looking back at you with expectation made you sing louder.

It would be typical to say this,but you felt like you were in a dream,having your best moment ever,singing along with him. The way he kept glancing and smiling at you was the best feeling ever,even the best writer wouldn't be able to put it to words,no.

The song came to an end,you lowered your eyes avoiding eye contact,wondering if yoy make a run for it or not while everyone who gathered around clapped and he went back to bowing and mouting "thank you"

He picked up his guitar,put ot into a case and slung it over his shoulder.

Oh no,he can't be coming here no

It was exactly what he did, he smiled shyly at you, his  confidence while singing gone. "So,do you wanna grab coffee?" He said, and you felt numb.

So I'm ending this chapter here because I can't type fast and it took me a long time to write this... I'm sorry if there's any mistakes I know i'm a shitty writer

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