chapter 4

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* a few months later *

You were at Jungkook's place to watch a movie with him since he had been bothering you for a while to do so. It seemed like he had already watched that movie before, because as soon as the movie started, he kept whispering to you about the things that happen later in the movie.

"Jungkook stop you're annoying me" you said as you shoved him away.

"No I feel like annoying you right now, its fun, you should try too."

"You better stop or I'm gonna stab you I swear Jungkook."

"No and do you see that girl? The brunette one? She's gonna d-"

You clasped your ears with your hands and started singing- la la la la la la la

Jungkook desperately tried to remove your hands from you ears just to annoy you and see your reaction.

You shoved him away again and this time he fell from the couch after losing his balance.

You both bursted out in laughter, struggling to control yourselves. Jungkook somehow managed to stop and acted like he was hurt said "you're so mean! I fell because of you!"

You suppressed your laughter, still giggling a bit and said "Well you deserved it since you were so annoying,also stop acting like that."

"You're mean!" He said with a pout.

You tried not to laugh because of his acting and said," And now you're pouting like a baby, why am I friends with you again?"

"Because you love me" he replied with a cheeky grin.

You froze in your spot because it was true. Sometime between hearing him sing in the streets for the first time to singing and hanging out with him, putting up with his whines,getting to know him,you fell in love.

You fell in love with his beautiful voice,his angelic smile. You fell in love with his childish acts and personality . You loved and admired his passion for music, he's one of those people who truly can't live without music.

You fell in love with the way he'd laugh,how he'd call you in the middle of the night to talk about random stuff,how he made you happy just by hanging out with you. He never seemed fake and he was always positive. You loved his optimism and admired it, since you couldn't help but be pessimist about everything, it was something you needed.

You fell in love with him. You fell in love with Jungkook. And it wasn't good thing. He was talented and bound to get in somewhere, to be successful, to leave you.  Bound to leave heartbroken. It's inevitable. It always happened. Always.

You snapped out of it and quickly said, "yeah in your dreams", before looking away and focusing on the movie. You didn't care about the movie anymore. You just hoped he didn't notice it.

Jungkook didn't seem to notice, and jumped back on the couch.

"You want some popcorn?" He asked.

"Yeah sure"

He went to get popcorn.

You sat on the couch staring at the screen. But you weren't really paying attention. You scared, scared that he would leave you if he found out. Scared that he wouldn't return your love. Scared that he would leave without caring about your feelings, just like he did.

What am I going to do now ? It can't be like last time, I won't be able to take it

Jungkook came back right then with two bowls of popcorn. He gave one to you and started eating after settling down.

The light from the screen fell on his face and he looked beautiful. You looked at him and decided, that you weren't going to make things complicated. You won't tell him about your feelings. You will continue being friends with him because you couldn't risk losing him. It was better than nothing, after all.


Another shitty chapter
Idk what I tried to do

Vote bc Jungkook is an angel

💗 don't be a silent reader 💗

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