chapter 2

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You didn't know what to do. You wanted to get to know him,but you were afraid. Afraid that it would turn out like you last relationship,the one that left you hurt,depressed,hopeless.

Why am i thinking about this again? Also,why am I acting like he just asked me out? No ,he didn't,he just asked if I would go to the cafe with him. It's not like I stand out either.

You looked at him and muttered out a "yes"

You saw his face lit up, you didn't know why but it made you smile anyway. He smiled,and said,"come on then"

You followed him to the cafe and picked out a table beside the window. After ordering coffee,(an americano for you and cappuccino for him)

He smiled at you and said,"I don't think I introduced myself. I'm Jeon Jungkook"

"Hi,I'm Alen"

"That's a cute name"

You gazed down on your coffee, trying out hide the blush creeping on your cheeks, and muttered,"Thanks"

You heard him chuckle,so you quickly brought up the coffee cup in front of your face,pretending to drink to hide your face.

He continued,"Did I say you have a beautiful voice? That was some amazing singing"

You couldn't help but grin at the compliment and said,"The same goes to you, I stop and listen to your singing everytime I see you"

Jungkook's face literally beamed.

"Really? Thank you so much for the support! I never thought somebody would like my singing so much!"

"Seriously? Your singing is really good, you could be an idol or something."

"I wish, I don't know if I can,no wait, I know I can't"

You opened your mouth to argue but he motioned you to stop and continued,"What about you though? Do you want to be like an Idol?"

I just wanna sing"

"What do you think about singing together?"

You nearly choked on your cofee.


Idk what i'm doing lmap forgive me
*hides in a corner*

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