Chapter two

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Dazepaw was just about to fall asleep when she heard a loud yowl coming from the Highledge. "Let all cats gather beneath the Highledge for a Clan meeting!" There almost wasn't any need for the announcement as most of the Clan was already at the Highledge. Dazepaw quickly flexed her claws and stretched as she got up from her spot in the sun, although it wasn't nearly as sunny now. She turned around as she heard snoring behind her, Snowpaw had fallen asleep. She was glad he had gotten some rest, now he might not be as worried. Dazepaw padded to the sleeping apprentice and nudged him gently in the side. He wasn't in a deep sleep as he woke up pretty quickly. "Hun? Wha-?" He mumbled as he got to his paws, still groggy from his sleep.
"Turtlestar called a Clan meeting, so hurry up!" She urged the white cat.
"Okay, okay, I'm coming!"
They made their way to the front of the Clan, next to Leopardpelt and Sparroweye. Dazepaw scanned the brown and orange she-cat and realised how much she reminded her of Robinpounce, her old mentor. Memories continued to flood into her mind until a loud voice alerted her.
"As you all know, Flamestripe was severely injured in an attack from ShadowClan," murmurs of disapproval came from the fretting Clan. "and Stripeblaze has informed me that she wishes to retire from her duties as a warrior and deputy." The murmurs continued to grow louder as the Clan got more worried.
"So, I must appoint a new deputy to take her place." Dazepaw could already guess who he would choose; Berryclaw. She was an experienced warrior, strong and lethal, the best hunter and fighter and had great leadership skills.
"Our new deputy will be," he paused for a moment, scanning the crowd, "Leafeyes." Dazepaw heard loud gasps emanating from the warriors, apprentices and elder, everyone in the Clan was surprised, especially Leafeyes. Dazepaw turned around to find where the red brown warrior was, only to see her stand up in the crowd, looking as confused as any of them.
As Dazepaw spotted Berryclaw, she noticed how mad she looked, even though she tried to hide it. She obviously was also expecting to be made deputy. Dazepaw felt uneasy in the silence since normally when a new deputy was named, the Clan would cheer for them. Finally, a soft but noticeable yowl came from Leopardpelt, Leafeyes' supposed mate. "Leafeyes!" He continued chanting her name until everyone joined in. "Leafeyes! Leafeyes! Leafeyes!" Dazepaw also joined in, feeling like it would be disrespectful not to.
Turtlestar finally lifted his tail for silence. "I have another announcement to make! Since Flamestripe will no longer be a warrior, she will also no longer be mentor to Snowpaw." This was it, Dazepaw thought, the moment Snowpaw had been dreading. She knew that Snowpaw was close with Flamestripe, even thought of her as a second mother, but now she could no longer train him. Turtlestar continued. "His new mentor will be Leafeyes."
What?! She gets made deputy and Snowpaw's mentor! What a day for her! Dazepaw noticed Leafeyes padding towards Snowpaw, and touched noses with him as she got closer. She looked proud but also nervous, it all happened so quickly.
Turtlestar had already jumped off Highledge and was talking to his new deputy as she left Snowpaw. Dazepaw quickly glanced at him, he looked so dejected. Losing his mentor so quickly, he had only been an apprentice for about two moons, a bit longer than Dazepaw. She put her tail on his shoulder, only for him to rise up to his paws and stagger towards the apprentice's den. Before Dazepaw could follow him, Berryclaw stepped in front of her. She looked as though the roughest of leafbare had just hit. She gazed at her apprentice with her soft, green eyes. "Leave him. He'll bounce back."
At that moment, Dazepaw didn't really think about Snowpaw, but instead Berryclaw. Would she be able to bounce back? Berryclaw could tell what Dazepaw was thinking and answered her thoughts. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. She's still alive, and that's all I care about."
Dazepaw knew that was a lie, she cared about more, like not being made deputy, but she didn't say anything to the already saddened warrior. Then Dazepaw remembered something.
"The gathering! It's tonight!" She had forgotten after everything that had happened that day, especially the attack. She hoped that Turtlestar would tell the other Clans about what had happened to his warriors, and how untrustworthy ShadowClan was. She wasn't sure if she wanted to go though, so she didn't ask. If she was picked, she would deal with it when it happened.

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