Chapter 6

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Ben rolled out of bed with the firm conviction that he was going to die. He tried to stand, but his legs protested strongly and he fell back onto the bed. He lay on his back with his legs hanging off the side of the bed and stretched. His stomach felt as though Bryan and Allen had come back. He didn't even want to think about his arms.

He groaned as he remembered that he had a full day today even with his sore muscles. His lessons with a sword would begin today and his horseback riding lessons would continue.

He tried again to get to his feet. If you think that half walking, half staggering around can be included in successful, then he was so. But it depends on your definition of successful.

Ben half walked, half staggered to the dining hall for breakfast. When Brendan and Gabriel caught sight of him staggering into view, they burst out laughing. By the time Ben had gotten to the table, they were holding onto each other to keep from falling over. Even Natalie and Tara were grinning and chuckling.

"Oh yes, very funny. Real funny." He sat down in a chair across the table from Natalie as the laughter began to die down. Then he said, "I think one of you beat me up in my sleep," and another round of laughter began.

Ben tried to join in, but his stomach protested strongly against it. He grabbed his midsection and groaned. Brendan and Gabriel roared with laughter.

"Aw, that's alright," Brendan said between the tears that were streaming down his face. "We'll help you forget about the soreness today. And by tomorrow, you won't even remember what you felt like today."

Gabriel finally fell out of his chair. Tara grinned and helped him back up. Her hand didn't quite leave Gabriel's afterward. But no one noticed.

After breakfast, Ben walked to the stable accompanied by Natalie and Brendan.

The riding lesson was held in a large practice field behind the castle. It went well. Ben only fell off of the horse four times as opposed to his five of the day before.

Afterward, he was met by Tara and Gabriel for his first lesson in swordsmanship.

Tara threw something at Brian and he caught it without thinking.

"Nice reflexes," she commented.

Ben looked at what he had in his hand. It was a long block of wood.

"What is this? It looks like a block of wood." he said, confused.

Gabriel answered, "That's because it is a block of wood. You are going to carve your sword from that block of wood. Carve it well, because for the next few months, that's your best friend."


"But for now, take this." Tara handed Ben another block of wood. This one was more square shaped and rather thinner then the other.

"Another block of wood," Ben said. "Just what I've always wanted."

Gabriel grinned. "That one's your shield. For safety's sake, we'll be using wooden items for a while. We don't want you to accidentally cut one of our arms off." He glanced at Tara then added, "Or the other way around."

"Hey!" she said with mock indignation in her voice.

Gabriel spent the next few minutes dodging Tara's playful smacks.

"See what I mean?" he said as Ben laughed at their antics.

When Tara was finally done, she turned back to Ben. "Alright. So our first order of business is to get you started on your sword. While you are carving it, you need to be thinking of a name for it. Ordinarily a sword would come already named, but as you are the maker of this one, it falls to you. When you get your real sword it will have already been named."

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