Why Are You Here, and why did you eat the skittles?!

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This picture! YAAAAAS!!!




"Alrighty, now that you're off the sugar high," several traumatized people shuddered at the reminder Tony had uttered, "Why are you here? Cause I'm pretty sure it wasn't to eat all our skittles." 

"Straight to the point, huh?" I asked, they glared, "Fine, Eye patch dude asked me to join your team, and since I'm pretty sure he would've locked me up if I said no, I said yes." 

"Wait?! WHAT?!" Tony screeched, "You're like 14!" 

"Yep. Got a problem with that?" I asked.

"Yeah." Tony growled, "You probably haven't even been in a fight before we went after you!" 

I pulled out a hammer and set it on fire, the Spandexians backed up, "I have seen and fought thing you've never thought to be real! I've lost a lot along the way! Tell me, did you ever fight the earth it's self? Did you ever create a flying warship in six months, nearly working yourself to death? Did you fight a war with no one knowing, blaming it on natural disasters? Did you fight monsters taller than this building with only your bare hands and a hammer? Did you die and come back to life? Did you lose everything in the end? Were you forgotten and driven away afterwards? Were you one of seven who fought an army of beasts and monsters that weren't supposed to exist? Do those same beasts chase you and attack you on a daily basis?" I ranted, my hair caught on fire, I was too angry to care, "I doubt it. Cause trust me, I've seen worse than an alien invasion, and I smile and laugh to hide the pain, because any stupid mortal who finds out gets to live my life! And that's something I'd never wish on anyone!" 

They stared at me in shocked, I de-flamed the hammer and started to walk off.

"wait, you say mortals like you aren't one!" Natasha said.

"That's cause I'm only half way mortal." I growled.

"what's the other half?" Natasha asked.

"The other half -" I chuckled darkly, "The other half is something that you know as myths, but has been there since the beginning of time itself." I walked into the training room, leaving them to wonder what I meant.

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