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meeting phil for coffee was almost enjoyable, which is strange because I've never enjoyed social interaction in my entire life

when I first arrived I was quite nervous because I wasnt sure how we would communicate, I thought maybe we would just type in notes or something, but that would basically be texting.. so what was the point of going out in public ? well it just so happens, phil was quite a surprising lad

I barely remembered what he looked like, but since the shop was nearly empty I spotted him rather quickly, and shuffled over to the corner where he was sitting

as I sat down we made eye contact, he smiled while his eyes lit up.. I was confused.. he looked as if he was up to something

suddenly I saw his hands, moving in some motions.
..then I finally realized he was signing

'hi, how are you'

I stared blankly for a moment, I never thought of the possibility of him knowing sign language, but then as a small giggle escaped his mouth he began again

'im sorry if im not very good, I learned as much as I could in one day'

he learned it in one day.. I was almost led to believe it was just for me.. but surely not

we stayed for a little over an hour, alternating between his broken signing and a bit of texting.. he even asked me to teach him a few phrases

it ended with Phil struggling to sign, 'I had a lot of fun' whilst I was suppressing a laugh and trying to help

when I arrived home I decided I shouldn't block him, I might as well attempt to enjoy the unknown amount of time I have left in this dreadful world

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