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I am very sorry to anyone who might have actually enjoyed this book, I am deciding to end it. Don't get me wrong I still love dan and phil but I don't have the interest to read or write about them anymore. I lowkey wanna do something with victuuri or klance lol so if anyone likes those ships maybe look forward to that. Now, since I'm ending the book, I would still like to explain what I planned for this story since I had the whole thing planned from the beginning which I didn't do in my previous books, warning it's sad and tw//death, here
we go~

I think i mention this before but the reason the chapters are in italics (or at least supposed to be sometimes my phone glitches and they post normal) because they're like Dan's journal. I made Dan slightly rude at the beginning so it would be nice and cute as he warmed and opened up to Phil. Phil learning sign language sped up the process immensely because no one ever went through the trouble for Dan. Phil had a happy life and backstory but Dan's backstory was along the lines of he never met his birth parents and his adoption parents were mentally abusive, along with kids at school. That's another reason Dan was so grateful for Phil's kindness. Eventually Phil asked Dan to move in with him and he agreed. On the first moving day Phil was sick and stayed home and Dan was only bringing the most important things that day. Phil fell asleep and when he woke up Dan wasn't there. No texts, one missed call, not from Dan, but the hospital. After calling and driving over Phil was told that Dan was in a horrible car accident and he didn't make it. What happened was a big truck's brakes stopped working while crossing an intersection, and while most cars heard the honking and stayed at a standstill, Dan, of course, did not, and kept going. They gave Phil the stuff collected from Dan's car and one thing was his journal. The last page said "I can't wait to move in with him. I've discovered I am in love with Phil, and I hope we can spend the rest of our lives together" Phil spent the night, and several days after, crying, wishing they could've. He developed severe depression, never able to stop thinking it was his fault.. "If only I was with him that day" "If only I didn't stay home". He knew he would never find anyone as amazing as Dan, couldn't take the regret he felt and ended up overdosing on his medication. Phil's last words before he slept for the last time were "see you soon my love"

THE END. Thank you so much for reading and voting, it means a lot. And again, very sorry. Now gOODBYE HAVE A GOOD DAY AND A NICE LIFE

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2017 ⏰

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