Chapter 1: Pirates

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This is not the actual beginning of the story. The beginning is the introduction. Please don't skip it, it has very important information that will leave you confused later on in the story.

You and Caleb drifted for two days before your boat bumped into another ship. And yes, during those two days the only one of you two who ate anything was Caleb, because he was just a 9-month-old baby and he needed it more than you and you realized that. After your little rowboat bumped into the ship, you heard people run across the deck to the side of the ship that you were on. You looked up and saw some men were peering over the railings grinning mischievously at you.

"Captain! You might want to come see this! It's a little girl." He said the last part in a venomous creepy tone.

You looked up at them with tired, sagged and fearful eyes. A tall slightly muscular looking man with shaggy brown hair and cold black eyes looked over the railing and starred at you as if he was bearing into your soul. You tried to shrink from his gaze, but with nowhere to go from the tiny boat you were on, all you could do was shift slightly on the bench you were sitting on in the rowboat.

"Bring her on board." His voice was deep and raspy, as though he ate knives for breakfast and tried to heal the cuts inside his throat by eating healing ointment and raw honey afterwards.

"Yes sir!" The creepy man from earlier replied.

He looked at something you couldn't quite tell what and said something to I that you couldn't make out and he walked away. Two guys threw a rope ladder over the side and slowly climbed down into the boat. You held Caleb closer to you, hiding his face from the two men, but leaving enough room so that he could breathe perfectly fine while sleeping, to make sure he stayed quiet and so they don't notice what you're holding.

"Hey kid," one of the guys started to come towards you. He had dusty blond hair and sweet purple eyes with the feint trace of a scar just to the side of his left ear on his face. "How 'bout you come on our ship?" He asked kind of gently. You scooted back slightly and shook your head. "Oh, come on now, we got some food if you're hungry?" He tried to persuade you with that still gentle voice. You tried to shake your head again, but your stomach, hearing the word food, responded and answered for you. 'Traitor,' you said to your stomach silently in your head. "I'll take that as a yes." he said with genuine concern in his voice. You slowly stood up and started to walk towards the rope ladder. "Wait." He said sternly making you turn around slowly. "Maybe you should give me what you're carrying so that your climb up is easier and safer?" You shook your head so much and so fast he was afraid it might fall off. "What's wrong is it something important to you?" You stopped and starred at him for a moment with those fearful, delicate, yet smart, (E/C) eyes and reluctantly nodded. "It's alright, I won't harm whatever it is. I may be a pirate, but I'm the most trustworthy in the whole crew. If you ever need anything protected, just give it to me and I'll take good care of it until you need it back." You looked at him for a minute, then looked around you to make sure no one else was looking.

The other guy who came down here with him grabbed the stuff that was on the boat and brought it to their ship and just left his crewmate with child. So, after you checked to make sure the coast was clear you pulled Caleb from your chest and showed him to the trustworthy pirate.

"Holy shoot! That's a baby." He said that loudly, but quiet enough so that his crewmates wouldn't peak over at what he yelling about. You looked up at him with tears starting to form in your (E/C) eyes. "Hey hey hey. No need for the waterworks kid. I was just surprised that's all." He looked at Caleb with an eyebrow raised. "This might be more difficult than I thought. You probably don't want my crewmates and captain to know about this baby for now right?" You nodded furiously. "Ugh, geez kid, I just met you and you've already put me in a tight spot here. I'll try, but I can't make any promises okay kid?" You nodded so much you started to get a little dizzy, so you stopped just as quickly as you had started.

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