Chapter 2: The Rescuer

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"(Y/N)!! GET ME MORE BOOZE!!!!" The captain yelled at you.

Running to him as fast as you could, someone stuck out their foot making you trip and the sake ended up spilling all over your head. You tried to get up only to be pushed back down by a crew members foot, while he laughed his head off.

"Where do you think you're going little princess?" he said in a mocking tone. "You got some of that spilled drink on me too. Apologize nicely, and I might let you go without any scratches or injuries." He said in a menacingly fierce tone.

You looked up a little. You noticed a few drops of the whole bottle you spilled, while most of it landed on you, a few random drops landed on him too. You looked away from his eyes, your face hidden from his. "I-I'm sorry." You said very quietly, barely noticeable, as tears started to form in your eyes. You could sense that the tortuous pain was about to start. The first kick came to your stomach as you winced and started to cough a little, 'just from one kick.' You thought in your head. 'Just one kick and I already feel the awful pain.'

You have been suffering torture like this for 1 month now. Although with all this pain and torture it felt like 10 months. You barely got any rest or food. Your only will to keep going was that of knowing that they kept their promise in not hurting Caleb. They gave him the amount of food and rest that he required to be able to keep growing, as though your mother and father were the ones taking care of him. Why they cared so much about him, you weren't sure. But one thing you did know was it wasn't because it came out of the goodness of their hearts.

More kicks kept coming at you. Some landed on your head and legs, but most of them were aimed at your stomach. He kept kicking you until you ended up coughing up blood, in which he finally stopped, knowing that if he ended up killing you, Captain Girah would kill him, because you were his only slave girl. He sat back down while everyone watched and continued laughing. "(Y/N)!!!!!!!" The captain yelled. You started shaking so much you closed your eyes and curled into a fetal position bracing yourself for even more pain and a beating. You heard the heavy footsteps come closer and closer until they stopped right behind you. Girah picked you up by the back of your shirt and made you face him. His cold eyes boring into you and staring you up and down. He took note of the state of your shirt and the blood dripping from your mouth. He sighed and put you back down slowly. "Worthless piece of crap. Go to the infirmary and get yourself fixed up before you waste more time just cowering and not doing your job. The more time you waste sitting here the less food and sleep you'll earn. Got it?!" He said angrily. You looked down a little to avoid his eyes and nodded your head as you slowly and painfully stood up to go to the infirmary where Kaihn was waiting for you.

Kaihn is the only one on the ship who legitimately cared for you. He snuck you extra food and gave you daily reports on Caleb as he was the one tasked with taking care of him. Him being the doctor of the ship and all. You opened the door to the infirmary and Kaihn was already at your personalized bed waiting for you with all the necessary supplies needed to bandage you up. You sat down on the bed, the infirmary in complete silence except for the sound of the cloth wrapping around your wounds or the occasional wince from the pain.

Finally, Kaihn said, "There. All done. (Y/N) don't look so scared, you know you can trust me after all this time." You looked up and glared at him a little before putting your head back down. "Please don't give me that look." He said in a sad worried tone. You weren't actually angry at him and he knew this. You just had to give those stares to someone in the crew or you would end up blowing up on someone who would attack her.

You stood up from the bed shakily. "I should get back to the Captain." You said. You were only quiet around him when he was healing you, because you shouldn't say anything. If you did, you knew you'd be there ranting to him your whole work time, and then you would get and even worse punishment then what you went down to the infirmary for in the first place.

You put your hand on the handle, but before you could even open the door you heard a loud explosion. Kaihn bolted right up out of his chair and rushed towards the door as you opened it. You've seen them get into a few fights with other pirates and knew what to do. You ran out onto the deck with Kaihn. As you looked around for where the firing came from you heard someone yell. "Marines!!! It's the marines!!!" Your head perked up. 'Marines?!' You thought. You rushed to the edge of the ship and searched around for their ship furiously. Until you saw it. The bluish green ship with a dog holding a bone in its mouth at the helm rocked on the waves as cannonballs came flying from the deck hitting the pirates boat with deadly accuracy. You quickly ran below deck and into Caleb's room. You felt the ship crash into the Marine ship as the whole ship creaked. You could hear gunshots and swords clashing above deck as screams and the spill of blood was heard.

Crew members below decked panicked as you heard some of the words they said as they passed by the room going back and forth. "Were dead...." "Vice-Admiral...." "Garp the monster..." Are just a few of the words you could make out. You were astonished and for the first time since you started drifting from your home, you felt hope. A grin started to climb its way across your face as your face started to light up. 'This is it,' you thought, 'We can be saved. Caleb and I can be saved!' For 20 more minutes the fighting raged on as you stayed in Caleb's room quietly listening, until it finally started to die down.

"Check all of the rooms!" you heard someone yell. "Arrest all of the remaining pirates. The door to Caleb's room opened. A marine looked around the room, until he laid his eyes on your terrified form in the corner holding desperately onto a baby. The marine turned around and yelled into the hall, "I'm going to need some assistance in here!" Another guy came in grumbling about what the heck he could possible need help with also noticing you and Caleb. "I'll go get Vice Admiral Garp. Make sure she doesn't leave this room." The marine said just before he left. The other marine still at the door turned around and faced you. He started to slowly comes towards you as you looked at him a little scared, but with a feeling of hope burning in your chest. He squatted in front of you as he looked you over. "You're hurt." He said reaching out. You flinched a little as his hand came closer to you. Noticing this he stopped and pulled away as he stood back up. "Sorry." He said in a kind and gentle voice.

The other marine arrived followed by a big large man wearing a dog shaped helmet. This scared you and you tried to inch further away as he came closer, but your back was already practically against the wall. As he stood in front of you, you could hear him humming a little. You started to shake a little, 'til he finally took off the dog hat type of thing. He had shaggy gray hair and a unruly beard to match. His face was broken into a big toothy grin as he looked at you. "Well now, what's your name little one?" he asked kindly.

"(Y-Y/N)." You replied with a slight stutter.

"Well (Y/N), who's this you got?"

"C-Caleb, my little brother." You replied quietly, but loud enough for them to hear.

Looking at us curiously, but still having that grin asked, "Are you a part of this crew?"

You looked down as tears started to form in your eyes. "O-Only as a slave. The wounds this guy pointed out earlier a-are from the beating they gave me." You said before the pain from that whole month finally made you break down as you started sobbing. The marines looked at you with sadness in their eyes. Garp picked you up carefully and carried you out of the room, onto the deck and across the way onto his ship. He walked into his quarters and sat you on a couch he had sitting in there. You stopped crying for a second to look at him with curious eyes. "You can sit and cry in here all you like and get some rest. When you're ready to tell me your story have one of the marines come and get me."

You nodded your head before you asked him. "What about Caleb?"

He replied," I can have one of the women come in here and put him in a separate room to rest while you get as much as you need, okay?" You nodded your head again and sighed on relief.

A few minutes after he left the room a marine maid came in a kindly asked for you to give her Caleb so that you could get some rest. You handed Caleb over to her and slowly put your head down on a pillow, on the couch as you watched her and your brother leave the room letting sleep take over your mind.


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