Chapter 4: Mountain Bandits

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I'm going to start writing this in first person from now on.

(First POV)

Caleb and Makino and I finally reached a hut that looked like it could fall apart at any minute, but at the same time looked like it could stay up for the next twenty years. We walked up to the front door. While holding Caleb, Makino knocked on it.

A big woman with red tangled curly hair, opened the door quickly and forcefully and yelled with her eyes closed, "Get out of here! I don't have anything you want and you don't want anything I have!!" She opened her eyes and looked at Makino and blinked a few times. "Makino? What are you doing here and who are this brat and...... baby?! Oh, heck no! I am not taking in anymore brats!" She yelled.

"Dadan," Makino started. "Garp told me that it'll be only three years. Maybe even less, if they happen to stumble onto her island before then." She finished with a slight pout in her voice.

"Excuse me," I interrupted, "But I can help around the house if you need me to Miss Dadan. My brother and I won't be any trouble I promise." I said in a fake kind voice. I knew how to get people like Dadan to do what I wanted. I just had to manipulate them, and it seemed to be working.

She blinked a couple times, "F-Fine, she and her brother can stay. B-But only three years, no more." She stuttered while crossing her arms and leading Caleb and I inside the hut. Makino put our stuff inside the house near the front door. I looked back at Makino and winked and smiled at her. She smiled back at me, put her thumb up and started her way back down the mountain.

"I won't feed you right away, you gotta pull your own weight around here, meaning you get your own food and such. Got that brat?" Dadan said to me.

"Yes ma'am." I replied with that kind voice still.

Suddenly, the door opened loudly and quickly with someone yelling, "MEAT!!" in a cheery voice constantly.

"Dadan we got dinner, cook it!" yelled a very disrespectful boy. He looked taller and older than me, he had freckles and a scowl upon his face.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!! MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!!!!" yelled the other boy who wore a straw hat and was WAY too enthusiastic.

"Luffy, Ace, meet these two new brats who are going to be staying with us for only a couple years." Dadan replied, not even fazed by the annoyingly loud duo. (A/N but you know we still love them ;))

"Hi, I'm (Y/N), and this is my little brother Caleb." I said.

"Tch" I looked at the freckled boy and glared a little, 'he doesn't seem very nice, but you never know.' I thought.

"I'm Luffy!!!" The boy with the straw hat responded. "Be my friend!"

I looked at him like he was the weirdest thing on earth. 'Who just asks someone to be their friend, not even 5 seconds after meeting them?'  I thought. 'Eh, might as well.' "Sure." I said while shrugging my arms.

He jumped up and down all excited. Then the freckled boy, I'm guessing is Ace, came up behind him and smacked him in the back of the head. "OW! What was that for Ace!" Luffy asked.

"Idiot!" Ace responded. "One, physical attacks don't hurt you, and two, you don't just randomly ask someone you met less than five seconds ago, to be your friend! What if they're not trustworthy?!" Ace yelled at Luffy.

I frowned a little looking hurt. "I'm plenty trustworthy. While I get your point of view here and I feel the same way. I honestly love the fact that he just asked me that question, because I needed a friend." I turned to Luffy, "Thank you Luffy, I'd love to be your friend." I replied genuinely.

Luffy looked even happy than before, and Ace just looked at me surprised. He then caught himself and put a scowl back onto his face, crossed his arms, looked away and said, "Yeah, whatever." I smiled at him and he started to blush a little looking away even more. Luffy on the other hand wouldn't stop bouncing everywhere. I watched him bounce all over the walls like a rubber bouncy ball I used to play with back on Dolda Gåvor.

"Is he always this.... bouncy?" I asked Ace.

He looked in the direction of Luffy and uncrossed his arms. "Pretty much, gets annoying after a while, but at the same time you get used to it." I giggled and laughed at his response.

"So how did he get so bouncy?" I asked.

"Him being the idiot he is ate the Gum-Gum Fruit out of pure frustration." He replied.

That response made me blush, because I did pretty much the same thing with my fruit. "I understand how he feels in that sense." I said out loud by accident.

Ace looked at me in bewilderment, then I realized what I did. "I didn't say that out loud did I? Please tell me I didn't?!" I said while blushing furiously. Ace just nodded.

'Oh crap, what I'm going to do now. I didn't want to tell anyone about my devil fruit. I don't want people to take advantage of me and my abilities.'  I thought. "Please don't tell anyone what I said." I asked/told Ace.

He looked at me up and down and just nodded his head. 'Whew' I sighed internally relaxing a little. "You realize I am going to end up asking you sooner or later though?" He asked.

I only nodded knowing that he was going to say that. "I know. And I promise I'll explain at some point, but right now I'd like to just keep it to myself." I said while rubbing my shoulders and hands together. Something I tend to do when I'm nervous.

"Okay brats! Dinner is ready!" Dadan yelled at us. Luffy and Ace pounced on the meat pile and started chomping on it immediately.

I watched for a little while before I went to mine and Caleb's pile of stuff and grab a baby bottle and some baby food. I sat Caleb down on a blanket I place on the ground and started feeding him. After he ate he fell asleep almost immediately on the blanket. I picked him up and moved him into his little makeshift crib. I set up the blanket and a pillow for myself, lied down and closed my eyes thinking, 'I wonder what exciting things I be doing tomorrow.' I smiled to myself as I fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2017 ⏰

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