Chapter 3: Windmill Village

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You slowly woke up, opening your eyes, to an unfamiliar place. Then you remembered that a marine, named Garp, saved you from your terror on that gosh-awful pirate ship. You stood up and looked around the room a little taking in the features that you didn't notice earlier from being so tired. The wall was a greenish blue with diagonal dashed stripes, that were only slightly darker than the color of the wall to make them noticeable. The door was white with a small window and black outlining it. You took notice of the desk opposite of the door. It was littered with all kinds of paper on it, a transponder snail, and a picture frame on his desk. Inside the picture frame was a picture of two black-haired men in front of a HUGE marine looking building. One of the black-haired guys resembled Garp, but at a younger age. The other had a bit of an afro and a long-braided beard.

You walked to the door and opened it. Outside two marines were standing guard. As they noticed you they faced you and bent down to your level. One of them gave you a toothy grin that said, 'Don't be afraid, say what you need to.' While the other only smiled and watched you.

"Are you ready to talk to Garp?" The one that just smiled asked.

You nodded your head as watched you with complete happiness in his eyes before he walked away to go retrieve Garp. You looked at the other marine as he asked you if you were hungry. You nodded your head so much it looked like it was going to fall off. That made him frown a little. He stood up and shook his head still frowning. "Those pirates, how could they hurt such a sweet little girl." He said under his breath a little, though you still caught it. Finally, Garp came over to you, the marine following closely behind him.

"Ready to tell me your story about how you got on the pirate ship?" He asked.

You nodded your head as he followed you inside the room, closing the door behind him. You sat back down on the couch as Garp grabbed his chair from his desk and sat across from you. As you told your story about how you drifted from your home and ended up on the pirate ship, you took note of the different facial expressions Garp was making, 'til his face finally decided to land on anger and stay that way. You weren't completely dried eyed while telling the story either. As you recalled all the horrors that happened on that ship the tears were non-stop. As you finished the story the room grew quiet except for a few of your sniffles as you tried to get the tears to stop. Garp tried to put his humongous hands on your tiny little shoulders. You looked up at him as he smiled at you gently.

"Do you know where your country is in the East Blue specifically?" he asked curiously.

You shook your head, "The people in my country get special gifts when we turn 10. One of those gifts is a special navigationally system in your heart that can always lead us home, but until then, we'd have to get lucky and stumble upon it randomly." You replied.

"Special gifts?" he said in a question like tone.

You nodded your head and answered, "My country's name, Dolda Gåvor, means hidden gifts in a special language that not many people understand anymore."

"Interesting, so we need to wait about three years until I can get you back home, unless I stumble upon it randomly during my travels. Hmm, if that's the case I can't have you and your brother stay on this ship the whole time. You'll have to stay with someone I can trust to take care of you." He said, making you look at him with your curious (E/C) eyes.

"What do you mean?" You asked. "Stay with who?"

He smiled at you and said, "I'm taking you to a town I know well."

---------------------------------------------------Timeskip (Slight Tiny One) ----------------------------------------------------

You were holding Caleb and his baby bag that you had at the beginning of all of this while Garp got a small boat for you and him to use, loading things on the ship that you all would need. "Alright! Good to go!" He said as he got the last barrel on to the boat. "You ready?" You nodded your head as you repositioned Caleb on your hip. Which you then got into the boat with Garp's help.

You all sailed for about 5 hours. To pass the time you put Caleb in a little carrier and pulled out the book you had earlier and started reading it. Garp took notice of this and asked you in a surprised tone, "You can read such a difficult book at only age 7?"

You nodded your head and replied, "My parents gave it to me for my birthday before I accidentally left. I taught myself to read the moment I could understand things. It's still a little difficult though, which means I need to read a few sentences or words several times. Also for the words I don't know," You pulled out another book. "I use this dictionary."

He looked at you and laughed loud and heartily. "You're a smart girl." His laugh made you smile and start to laugh a little too. You both finally calmed down and he went back to his navigating while you went back to your reading, while Caleb took a nap.


Finally, after a couple more hours your boat started to approach an island you could only guess as the place you were headed to. He docked the boat and helped you and Caleb off while he unloaded all the supplies.

A woman came running up to the deck towards your boat. She had dark hair, making it look a little green in the lighting, with a simple flower patterned blouse and long white ruffled skirt. "Garp! What are you doing here?" She asked him, with a cheery smile that could make anyone else smile just looking at her, after she stopped running right in front of him.

"Ah, Makino!" He said to the sweet looking lady, she had a long white skirt and her blouse was black and orange with a yellow stripe going across her chest. "Just the person I was about to go looking for. Do you think you could help take (Y/N) and her brother Caleb up to the mountain bandits' home? She needs someone to watch her for three years so that she can get back home safely." He asked her.

"Of course, but aren't you going to stay and help?" She asked.

"Unfortunately, I can't. I would love to, but I can't take any more time off work. Especially not the busiest month of the year. I will be by in about a month though, so you can warn Dadan about that when you drop them off." He replied. That's when you noticed he unloaded only about three fourths of what was on the boat. "I'll see you soon (Y/N). Have some fun with my grandson, but don't let him get any of that pirate crap into your head. Got it?"

You nodded slowly, tears starting to well up in yours eyes from the see you later to the second nicest person you met after a month. After he was satisfied with your nod he turned around and got into the boat sailing back off the way he came. As you watched his boat leave from view, you turned around, picked Caleb out of the small crib, and smiled at the woman, whom you recently found out her name was Makino. She smiled back at you, helped grab some stuff and introduced herself. "Hi (Y/N), my name is Makino, as you heard Garp say." You both walked off the docks and into town. "Welcome to Windmill Village!" She announced, but not really that loud. "I work at the bar here in town. You want to tell me your story while we walk?" So, you talked about your journey to her as you walked into the mountains.


Sorry about the delay on the story guys, my birthday was yesterday and things got a little busy for me, trying to prepare for it. I think I'll be able to get the next chapter out either this Thursday or Friday. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, because the next one will have Luffy, and Ace.

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